Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top 10 Books on my TBR for Winter

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

Ah, winter. What better time is there then this to snuggle up with a good book and a cup of cocoa while basking in the warmth of a roaring fire? When I was a kid winter was the time to hole up in the basement playing Super Mario Brothers or Final Fantasy II, but now that I'm so busy with my blog books have taken up a large amount of the time that I use to devote to gaming. 

Part of this is that you can't "lose" at reading a book. Part of this is that I feel the only way I can write my own book to the best of my ability is to read, part of this is that books don't hurt my wrist like games do, and (mostly) part of this is that I love books.

I have a huge backlog of books that I need to get read, and even more that are on my to-be-bought list. Here are the top ten books that I want to read most this winter. Enjoy! 

1. The Mephisto Covenant
by Trinity Faegen
I finally have this in my possession, all I need now is the time to actually read it. I've been itching to get my hands on this book since I first heard about it around the start of September and I finally got to pick it up on a recent trip to Chapters. Expect to see my review for this soon because odds are I won't be able to hold off from reading this for very long. It really sounds like my kind of book. 

2. Destined
by Jessie Harrell
I am a huge fan of Greek mythology. I've said that a zillion times by this point. This book, which is a retelling of the myth of Eros and Psyche (Cupid and Psyche for those not familiar with the actual Greek name for him) and it sounds absolutely fabulous. This has been getting rave reviews everywhere and yet I couldn't buy it at Chapters. Guess what's got the top spot on my next Amazon order? 

3. Lenobia's Vow
by P.C. & Kristen Cast
This doesn't release until the end of January, but I am already counting down the days. I am a huge fan of the House of Night series and the events that happened in Destined have me very eager to read Lenobia's story. I know that some people are kinda "meh" on these novellas, but I love the insight that they give on some of the characters and I love how they tie into the main books. Dragon's was excellent and I'm sure Lenobia's will be great, too.

4. Hush, Hush
by Becca Fitzpatrick
I've told you guys that I want to get ahold of this book and give my two cents on it. Well, it's now sitting on my bed and I got to spend a few minutes with it. And I think ... You'll have to wait until I've finished it and written my review. ;) Yes, I know some of you are probably sitting there with copies of Silence going "What?! You're just reading that now?" Yes, it's funny how life can turn out that way. But I really can't wait to dive into this fully. (Waiting for my parents to show up at Chapters does not count.)

5. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour
by Morgan Matson
I've been talking about this one a lot lately, and I finally got ahold of it at Chapters. That was no small feat -- it was one of those books that was hiding from me and that I needed to get someone to help me find. I enjoy finding books so this always frustrates me. Especially when I'm holding six other titles (could not set down the one copy they had of The Mephisto Covenant!) and they all keep wanting to drop. But I have it now and, as with all things, it's only a matter of time until I get to read it. 

6. Eternal Starling
by Angela Corbett
This one just sounds too amazing to pass up. I had a really interesting discussion with Angela about soulmates when she was doing her blog tour and I left a comment during one of the stops. It's also a book that I won a bookmark for, so it seems like it would only be right that I need the book, too. If it tells you how bad I want this, I'll likely end up ordering it via Amazon.com since it isn't up on Amazon.ca because I am so anxious to own it. I'm a sucker for a GOOD love triangle and this one looks like it has purpose. 

7. Die For Me
by Amy Plum
How long have I been going on about wanting to read this? And I finally have it ... and it's sitting here. Ack! I have books I need to get done this month that are on a due date and I really need to get moving on those so I can get to the backpile of books I'm dying to read that I haven't yet. This sounds like it is going to be totally to die for -- pun intended -- and I absolutely cannot wait. Plus, I'm sure you guys are "dying" for the giveaway I'm going to be doing since I ended up with two copies. 

8. Fever
by Lauren DeStefano
Can we say "possibly my most anticipated book of 2012?". It's currently between this and Insurgent by Veronica Roth, but that's got a May release date so it doesn't apply here. Wither was amazing and I actually didn't realize how incredible I thought it was until months later ... when I was still thinking about Linden ... and I had to admit that the book needed to go up a star. Yeah. As a reviewer, Wither kicked my butt. And I am sure that Fever will be equally amazing. I must know what happens!

9. Blue Sky Days
by Marie Landry
This has a lot going for it as I prepare to dive in. The premise sounds fantastic. I love contemporary romance and the idea of a girl needing to learn to have fun with life should be interesting. It also has the whole cancer aspect, which I admit may be a bit tough for me, but which will also provide a real challenge for these characters to face and grow from -- hopefully together. It doesn't hurt that Marie is a friend and that I wish her all the best. But don't expect anything less then the truth from me when it comes time to review. :)

10. Earth Angel
by E. Van Lowe
Lets wrap this up with a book I'll be reading and reviewing this week. I totally loved Boyfriend from Hell, and I have the good fortune of being in possession of a copy of the sequel. Earth Angel has been way up there on my list of books to read ever since I finished the first book, but other things have needed to get done too. I'm a bit busy with things right now, but you can rest assured I'll have a review out for this when it launches on Dec. 6th. If it's as awesome as Boyfriend from Hell I might even throw a little giveaway. :) 

Well that's my list for this week. Did you see anything there that you want to read? Do we have any books in common? Are there any books that instantly made you cringe and want to go "Run, don't walk, in the opposite direction!"? Whatever your opinion, I would love to hear it. And feel free to link me to your list so I can drop by and visit. Have a great day! 


  1. These look great - they all have gorgeous covers too!

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesdays post.

    And my Teaser Tuesdays post is here. :)

  2. Loved Amy and Roger's Epic Detour hope you do too. Also need to add some of your titles to my TBR list. Great top ten list!

  3. I really want to read Die for Me and The Mephisto Covenant. They sound so good, but I haven't gotten them yet. I have a ton of books I still need to read. S

    I have read Hush Hush it along with Crescendo and Silence are some of my favorite Ya books. I hope you enjoy them as well.

  4. Totally love your list! Ohh ohh definitely read Die For Me! must read :)

    Here's my Top Ten List
    Jay @ We Fancy Books

  5. I loved Die for Me and Amy and Roger's Epic Detour. Hope you enjoy them!

    My Top Ten if you'd like to take a look: http://rachelreader.blogspot.com/2011/11/top-ten-books-on-my-tbr-list-for-winter.html

  6. Oh, I really want to read DESTINED! I need to buy this soon as well. Debating a print copy for my mythology shelf or an ebook copy! LENOBIA'S VOW gets me every time. I keep seeing the horse and going, "Ohhhh!" then seeing that it's part of the HOUSE OF NIGHT series and going "Ohhh..." FEVER is on my list as well! You have some good books there :)

  7. Gosh, most of these books are on my own TBR list (which appears to never get shorter). Let's hope we all plow through the piles of books we haven't read yet ;)

  8. I have Hush, Hush waiting to read on my shelf too. I need to dive into it sometime. I forgot to put it on my list. =] Awesome picks. =]
    Here is My Top Ten

  9. Oh, Die For Me is AMAZING! I LOVED that book! You need to read so you'll be ready to anxiously await the release of Until I Die! ;)
    Oh, and amen to the Mephisto Covenant and Destined!
    -Daisy @ the Broke and the Bookish

  10. I've been wanting to read The Mephisto Convenant for a while now. Hopefully I'll get around to it soon!

    Here's my TTT.

  11. Wow! Great list and thanks for sharing! I now totally have to read Destined, Die for me and Eternal Starling! I am currently working on a novel which as a love triangle dating back to the 16th century :-) And I love love love mythology so if you have any other recommendations *smile", let me know :-)

  12. I'm really looking forward to Fever and Blue Sky Days! Great list!


  13. Great List! I Loved Fever. I simply can't wait to read the third book in the trilogy. It is an amazing series!
    A Beautiful Madness

  14. Fever most definitely made my list too! I've got Die For Me by Amy Plum and The Mephisto Covenant waiting for me too. Hope you get to Hush Hush soon. I really like that series!

  15. I just got a copy of Hush, Hush. I hope I get a chance to read it fairly soon; everyone seems to really like that series!

  16. Hm, I should've added Hush, Hush! I definitely plan on reading it soon. I hope you can read Amy & Roger asap, because I LOVED it. :)


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