Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Top 10 Books I've Read That Were Out Of My Comfort Zone...

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here atThe Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

This week's topic is... Top Ten Books I've Read That Were Outside My Comfort Zone

I found this topic really difficult because I don't like to talk about books that I dislike. Generally, once I've reviewed a book I don't like I try to forget about it, unless someone is specifically asking my opinion on it. There are too many good books out there that I would like to promote and I think that is a far better way to be spending my time. Or at least it's the way that makes me feel good about myself as a blogger. I want to be an author myself: what good would it do me to set out to be the enemy?

At any rate, here are the books that I chose...

by Lauren DeStefano
I'm sure you're all familiar with this story by now, but I'll post it again for any newcomers. I was zipping around on Amazon, before my blog even became an actual book blog, and I happened to see this book. I clicked it, read the description, and turned to my boyfriend to ask: "How the hell did someone get away with writing this?" His response was to tell me to read it.

How'd that turn out?: Great! Fever is one of my most anticipated books of 2012.
by Suzanne Collins
This book is the reason I never intended to read The Hunger Games series. I had seen all three books available here in town and thought I'd check reviews before buying them. I am a big wuss and decided to check Mockingjay reviews first. There were a lot of people saying this book was utterly depressing and I went: "Nope." I ended up reading them in the end, though.

How'd that turn out?: Great! I absolutely love The Hunger Games trilogy. I can understand why some people were upset with Mockingjay, though.
Harry Potter
by J.K. Rowling
I believe I labelled these as "silly little kids books" when I saw them for the first time. I kept being drawn back to them at the store but never bought them. When Christmas rolled around my parents got the first two books for my brother Shawn, who is five years younger then me. When he finished the first one he turned to me and went: "Sit down. Shut up. Read."

How'd that turn out?: Do you really need me to tell you? It's Harry Potter.
Flowers Under Ice
by Jean Ross Ewing
My mother had the brilliant idea of buying this for me to read ... During reading time at our local high school. You can bet that got a few raised eyebrows. (BTW, sorry for the crap image.)

How'd that turn out?: I ended up enjoying it and it started my interest in romantic fiction. I still enjoy a good historical, but my tastes have broadened to include contemporary, paranormal, fantasy, futuristic ... pretty much anything if there is romance mixed with it.
A Summer To Die
by Louis Lowry
My 9th grade teacher assigned everyone in class a "hand selected" book for an independent study project. This was the book he picked for me to read and write a paper on ... two weeks after my grandfather died. He also thought I'd "wasted my time" going to the funeral.

How'd that turn out?: Does "I hated this book with the fire of a thousand suns" sum it up for you? This is the book that made me think I hated contemporary fiction. I would not touch the stuff. I thought it was all sad and I did not want or need sad.
Anna and the French Kiss
by Stephanie Perkins
See that book I just reviewed? This is the next contemporary YA that I read ... roughly fifteen years later. When it comes to books, apparently I can really hold a grudge. I shut out an entire genre for nearly half a lifetime. Wow! (Just realized this.)

How'd that turn out?: Well, I'm taking part in Just Contemporary so something must've gone right, hm? This is one of the books I feel I should revisit and re-evaluate. I'm not sure I was ready to review it when I reviewed it.
by Lauren Kate
Talking about this book always makes me feel like the meanest blogger in the entire world (which I hate). I was so certain that I would love this book that I bought all three that were released in the series...

How'd that turn out?: I'm just going to say "No." I may try them again, since they are sitting on my shelf still. I really, really hate Daniel. I don't think I've ever disliked a male lead that much. I made it to roughly 150 pages. I'd love to know if I should keep going? 
The Iron King
by Julie Kagawa
I had read some fae fiction around the time this originally released that had me less then impressed with fae as a mythical force in fiction. So I skipped out on this book until I started blogging and friends simply would not let it go. I caved.

How'd that turn out?: So glad that I read this. I have the next two books sitting here and waiting for me to have time to really enjoy them. I absolutely loved The Iron King.

And here are some books I'm planning to take a chance on...

by Amy Kathleen Ryan
This looked really interesting so I decided to pick up a copy when Jay and I went to chapters at the end of September.

What's the risk?: I took a university course that was a specialization in Science Fiction and it left a negative impression on me. I'm hoping that some of the science fiction YA I'm seeing around, like Glow, Across the Universe and Obsidian, can correct this. 

by Tabitha Suzuma
I've had friends tell me that this book is a must read and I trust their opinions. I've already been warned to not expect a fluffy book, so hopefully I won't crash too hard here.

What's the risk?: This kind of book will be tough for me to read because I will be struggling between caring about the characters and guarding myself. I call that "Macbeth reading"... You know it's not going to end pretty, but you're reading it anyway.

 So, what did you choose this week? I'd love to know so feel free to leave me a comment. Also ... should I give Fallen another go? Yes, no, maybe?


  1. I bought both Fallen and Torment together because they are so, so pretty. But I just haven't bothered to read them yet as I keep hearing so many mixed reviews.

  2. I enjoyed Fallen, but I'm rooting for Cam. Daniel does get better though. I remember wanting to slap him frequently at the start of the book.

    I swiped my sister's Harry Potter books. She's five years younger and thought they were awesome. Now I'm the one with the shiny boxset and her copies are holding up her furniture!

    My top ten is here if you'd like a look :)

  3. I love the way you set up your list, with the kind of before and after picture. I like reading about how people came to the books they read as well as what they thought of them afterwards.

  4. What a great list! I've read and enjoyed most of these books, minus the Louis Lowry one.

    Your teacher sounds like such an ass, telling you that going to a funeral is a waste of time. Blah.

  5. Isn't if funny how you are certain you are not going to like a book, and then love it?
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  6. I'm with you on Fallen. It was the third Paranormal Romance I'd read (after Twilight and Beautiful Creatures) and it almost turned me off the genre.

    I'm taking a chance with Glow and The Iron Fey series, I hope it turns out good.

  7. I can't wait to read the Iron Fey series! I've just added Wither to my waiting list at the library - the story sounds interesting!

  8. My younger sister loves to read the books. She will be very happy when I will share this post with her. I will also try at least one book. Thanks for this nice sharing.

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