Sunday, November 6, 2011

Do Encourage Me: Building A Christmas List!

When I start planning for the holiday season, I start to look like this. Yes... just a little hyper. ;) But the thing that I always mess up on, the thing that I always fail to plan for, is people going:

So, Kat... What do YOU want for Christmas this year?

(Insert awkward silence here.)

I spend 364 days of the year as a total shopaholic who has absolutely no qualms buying (or saving up and buying) pretty much anything that I want. When the holidays come around, though, I go into Gift mode. I want to get people *the* thing that they want. I love spending money. I *hate* wasting it. If I get someone a gift, it has to be just right.

So to save myself some awkwardness over the question above, this year I have a plan. Since I know I want books (and I'm sure you know that, too) I've compiled a list of titles I want to read but haven't yet. What do I want from you guys? Take a look and tell me if anything here jumps out at you as an "I can't believe you haven't read that yet!" book.

Thanks for putting up with my Christmas-crazed brain less then a week after Halloween. It's a Canadian thing, I tell ya. We already had our Thanksgiving in early October, so it's a total 180 from Halloween to Christmas.

Anyway, on with the list... 

The Mephisto Covenant
by Trinity Faegen
Why I Want It: I've had my eye on this one for a while and simply haven't ended up ordering it yet. It was actually one of my selections for Waiting on Wednesday a while back. (Update: Got it)
Cracked Up To Be
by Courtney Summers
Why I Want It: I love contemporary YA and I've heard good things about Courtney Summers. This book grabbed my interest when I was looking around. I intended to grab it at Chapters in September, but they were sold out.
A Beautiful Dark
by Jocelyn Davis
Why I Want It: I usually hate love triangles but this has me intrigued. Maybe it's the whole fire and ice concept that grabbed me or maybe it's just the pretty cover? Not sure, really. I just know I want to read it.
by Tabitha Suzuma
Why I Want It: Normally I'm a wuss who would not touch this kind of book with a twenty foot pole, but considering that DarkFallen recommended it when she and Greta visited, I'll make an exception. Besides that, I am curious if I can be convinced to care about this situation.
The Forest of Hands and Teeth
by Carrie Ryan
Why I Want It: This sounds like it should be totally fascinating and is one of those books that, in the back of my head, I'm going "Why haven't you read this yet, hm?" I'm sure I'll get this sooner or later. (Update: Got it)
A Hunger Like No Other
by Kresley Cole
Why I Want It: The one and only non-YA book on this list. In all reality, though, prior to starting my blog and writing Moon Dance, my focus as a reader was paranormal romance. This is another DarkFallen & Greta recommendation and it definitely sounds like my kind of book.
Hush, Hush
by Becca Fitzpatrick
Why I Want It: I think it's time I quit tiptoeing around this book, or adding it to an order and removing it for whatever reason. Or going to Chapters and meaning to buy it and either forgetting or it not being there. (That happened in Florida.) I know: half of you are rolling your eyes that I haven't read this. The other half are rolling them because I want to. It's time I weighed in on this one. (Update: Got it)
The Iron Knight
by Julia Kagawa
Why I Want It: This is an absolute no-brainer. The only reason I don't own The Iron Knight yet is because I haven't finished The Iron Daughter and The Iron Queen. Why? I'm using them as "reward" books for getting stuff I need read by a certain time done first. (Update: Got it.)
The Near Witch
by Victoria Schwab
Why I Want It: This sounds like it should be a totally fabulous read and I've heard many good things about it. Most notably is the review by my friend Kevin, who seemed to really enjoy it. So I need to check it out.
by Andrea Cremer
Why I Want It: Somewhere out there must be a book about werewolves / shifters that I will love. The concept always seems so fab, but the execution so often disappoints. Nightshade deserves to have its own turn, though. BTW, yes I will be hunting for *this* gorgeous cover. Going to be a pain. (Update: Got it.)
Paper Towns
by John Green
Why I Want It: Um... It's John Green? Okay, seriously now. I loved Will Grayson, Will Grayson so I want to see what John comes up with on his own. I've had a few requests from readers for my take on Paper Towns and it sounds great, so why not? 
Rot & Ruin
by Jonathan Maberry
Why I Want It: This was recommended by The Haunted Rose and it sounds totally great. I think a few of you have recommended it, actually, but my mind's going blank over who else did. :) Either way, great books deserve to be read and this looks like its right up my alley.
Shatter Me
by Tahereh Mafi
Why I Want It: Okay. It's Shatter Me. Who doesn't want it? :) Really, though. Odds are I will buy this before the holidays but I would feel a little rude not including this on my holiday list. It sounds really fascinating and exciting and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.
by Lauren Myracle
Why I Want It: This got a lot of attention on Twitter the other week and I ended up going onto GoodReads and looking it up. It sounds like the sort of book that should be / needs to be read. As someone who loves contemporary YA this simply had to make my list. 
If I Stay
by Gayle Forman
Why I Want It: Ah, yes. Here we are with another "What?! You haven't read that yet?" book. And no, I haven't. And I won't without a box of Kleenex if what I've read about it is true. I use to avoid books that might get me upset, but I've began to learn they are good for me as a writer, weird as that may sound.
Twenty Boy Summer
by Sarah Ockler
Why I Want It: This is like the contemporary version of Hush, Hush. No, I do *not* mean that in a plot way. I mean I've had it on lists a zillion times and something has "intervened" and kept me from getting it. Time to quit stalling. I really want to read it. 
Sweet Venom
by Tera Lynn Childs
Why I Want It: Hello, book that ties into Greek mythology. How are you not on my bookshelf yet? I love the idea of this book and the idea of the three varying viewpoints is something I find appealing. I've wanted to check this one out for a while.
White Cat
by Holly Black
Why I Want It: I've heard many good things about this book. I was not a fan of Tithe, but I've had a lot of people tell me that I should not compare the two. Since I'm the sort who will give an author a second chance, and since the premise sounds good and I have a soft spot for the character's name, onto the list it goes.
Amy and Roger's Epic Detour
by Morgan Matson
Why I Want It: The idea behind the book sounds great, plus when Marie from Ramblings of a Daydreamer dropped by for Saturday Spotlight she linked me to her review of it, which was really convincing. This is one of those "Why haven't I read that yet?" titles that I really need to add to my library. (Update: Got it.)
Dearly, Departed
by Lia Habel
Why I Want It: I have already read and reviewed this book, and I totally loved it. I want this because I know I will want to read it again, the cover is beautiful, and considering that Random House was awesome and let me read it via NetGalley, it stands to reason I should support a book I loved by owning a copy. (And did I mention the cover? Again?) (Update: Got it.)
A Need So Beautiful
by Suzanne Young
Why I Want It: This book sounds like it should be really interesting and I have wanted to check it out for a while. It's actually a book I kept forgetting the title for, somehow, which is probably the only reason I haven't bought it yet.
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Why I Want It: Oh. My. God. Don't get me started on this one. I am extremely intrigued from what I have heard about this book. A lot of my friends have been reading it and I want to see what all the fuss is about. I have a strong hunch this is going to be one of those books I will become obsessed with. We shall see. ;)
by Michelle Madow
Why I Want It: This is in the same situation as Dearly, Departed. I read and reviewed (well, *am reviewing* in this case) the book and I totally loved it. (Ooooh, did I let something slip?) With a story this good and a cover this gorgeous, the only way I will feel right about owning Remembrance is to actually get a copy to go on my shelf.
by Jus Accardo
Why I Want It: Great sounding premise, cool looking cover and Giselle seemed to really like it. The idea of someone being able to kill with touch seems popular this year, but that won't stop me from enjoying stories as their own unique thing.
by Cynthia Hand
Why I Want It: I have heard so much good stuff about this book and it sounds really, really interesting. This is likely another one where I'm going to get "You haven't read that yet?" from some of you. (Update: Got it.)
Across The Universe
by Beth Revis
Why I Want It: Well for starts it sounds fascinating. Going on, I can't believe I don't already own it. And to finish, I need to correct this awkward oversight immediately. This sounds like a book I should have read and reviewed ages ago. (Update: Got it.)

A Monster Calls
by Patrick Ness
Why I Want It: I've had my eye on this for a while and simply haven't hit the "buy" button. The premise sounds interesting, if potentially sad. Still ... I'm getting much braver about reading stuff that might want to push my buttons and I know I need to read this.

by Jackson Pearce
Why I Want It: I loved Sisters Red. I love fairy tale retellings in general. So this seems like one of those books that I am going to read no matter what. Plus, if I've heard right, this is a retelling of Hansel and Gretel, which isn't something you see every day. 
Eternal Starling
by Angela Corbett
Why I Want It: The premise sounds totally awesome and I am dying to find out what the deal is with these different societies, different guys, and Evie's role in everything that is going on. Plus I won a bookmark for this... It'd be kinda awkward without the book.

Tiger's Curse
by Colleen Houck
Why I Want It: This looks interesting and I've wanted to check it out for a while. I kept forgetting either the name of the book, or about wanting to read it, though. Shouldn't be a problem now: My friend JoAnne, over at The Fairytale Nerd, wants my view on it so I'll need to make sure to pick it up. (Update: Got it.)

... Holy crap! I listed 30 different books. Eek!

So there you have it. That's my crazy huge Christmas wish list. There is no way on earth that I can conceivably get all of those. Even with being able to get some of them for my Kindle, how in the world would I make time to read them all? (I'm bad, bad, bad for that with books I buy. I tend to be far better with things I review, obviously.) So yes, the list needs to be narrowed down.

What are your recommendations? I'd love to know, so please feel free to leave a comment. Also ... What's on your holiday wish list? Feel free to leave a list in the comments, or make your own holiday post and link it here. :)


  1. Across the Universe definitely needs to stay on your list! It was one of my favorite reads this year and even made it onto my "favorites" shelf on Goodreads, a high honor :)

  2. your blog looks adorable! you have a gr8 list. a lot are on mine too.

  3. You MUST READ Amy and Roger's Epic Detour! Seriously! Such a lovely contemp! :)

  4. You have so many great books listed there! I hope you get them and I look forward to reading your reviews :)

  5. Great books & from all of these I decided to recommend the following 2 books which are part of my top favorite books. Rot & Ruin is amazing, so that's a book you must buy & read & the sequel Dust & Decay is amazing, too. Also, White Cat! Amazing book & Cassel is such a great character. I haven't read Tithe, but from what I've read about it, White Cat is definitely nothing like it ;) It's actually a YA UF novel ;)

  6. Shatter Me & Sweet Venom should definitely be in your wish list.

  7. I've only read White Cat and Nightshade on this list. Nightshade is good, but I'm not sure it's the awesome werewolf book you wish you could find.

  8. I have a bunch of those books but haven't read them yet! I've heard Remembrance is amazing so definitely keep that. I don't think we are going to help you much on narrowing down your list. We might expand it :)

  9. Rot & Ruin is one of the best YA zombie books. It gives a whole new perspective on the zombies themselves. But if your really into romance, which I'm not, there isn't much to be found. If you buy it, you might want to purchase the sequel, Dust & Decay, as well. There's kind of a cliff hanger ending.

    Across the Universe, although not my favorite, is a must read. I think that AtU and Glow (Amy Kathleen Ryan) will help open up a new science fiction area to YA.

    Forbidden is definitely a book that you have to be open minded to read. It didn't really convince me to lean either way on it's topic, but really gives you something to think about. Wouldn't recommend it to an escapist reader.

    Shatter Me I didn't really fancy. The writer really has a unique writing style that I would like to see more of. You might like it more than I did since it is very romancey. If you want to see my review, you can find it here.

    Happy Holidays!

  10. The following books should definitely stay on your list:
    1. If I Stay (& you may add Where She Went too). These two books is a must read.
    2. Shatter Me
    3. Paper Towns
    4. A Monster Calls

  11. I haven't read any of these yet but Shatter Me sounds the most incredible to me. :) Sorry I don't have much else to say about them! I wish I've read them to let you know what other ones were fantastic.

  12. Shatter Me and Shine are MUST haves! I LOVED both books! Lauren Myracle is one of my absolute FAVE YA/MG writers and I think every YA lover should read Shine.

    :) Aeicha

  13. If there's one book to remove from the list, I think it would be The Mephisto Covenant. I've been seeing very mixed things about mostly negative. That's just my thought. But you have a great list of old and new books so good on you.

  14. I loved Nightshade!! it was absolutely amazing it is the best shifter/werewolf book I have read to date. If you want that cover try Book Depository they may have it.

  15. OMG! I haven't read most of these books! Okay Nightshade by Andrea Cremer has to stay on your list. I love her :) I'm planning on buying books from this list. I'm not really into non-YA, but if it seems like ur type of book, then give it a shot.

  16. Read Paper Towns! I haven't read it yet, but Looking for Alaska was amazing.
    Twenty Boy Summer is good too, though I tend to think of it more as a summer read (perhaps I'm being too literal).

    I haven't read any of the others, though a few are on my wish list as well:)

    Your blog is looking very festive by the way:)

  17. Here's my picks from your list:
    Paper Towns
    Amy and Roger's Epic Detour
    Across the Universe

  18. You must definitely read A Need So Beautiful & White Cat.

  19. I would go with Rot and Ruin. It looks great and zombies are the new cool.

  20. We have several in common on our list ^^ so i would say great choice but for me no horrors book

    i hope you will get some help to narrow down this list ( if i do mine properly i would have more than 30 i'm afraid)

  21. I have read only Across the Universe from your list and it was great. And Shatter Me and If I Stay are on my wishlist too.

  22. I actually haven't read any of these either, but almost all of them are sitting on my own Christmas list (I hate awkward moments when someone asks you what you want for Christmas and you have no idea). :P

  23. I haven't read any of these yet too! *sobs*
    And many are on my TBR list I just wonder when will I ever get to them :(
    But if I must pick one from your list as a must-read for myself, I would pick Unearthly!
    I have no idea why but I'm pretty into 'angel' books recently ^^

  24. The Iron Knight, Shatter Me & Dearly Departed are on my wish-list too and I've heard great things about these books.

  25. Hahha, wow! Okay, not even easy for me to narrow it down. ;) But from those I love myself or can't wait to read, I have two popping out!

    Nightshade (!!! <3)
    Shatter Me

  26. lovely list.. but I think you must make Top List Read because they really amazing..
    I've read Hush Hush and Unearthly, and they're really good..

  27. You must read If I Stay (followed immediately by Where She Went. You can handle a 2 book series, right?)

    A Beautiful Dark - I read this last week. 1 girl and 2 boys - one is light, the other is dark. Looks can certainly be deceiving!

    Amy and Roger's Epic Detour

  28. IF I STAY is a must read and it´s series partner WHERE SHE WENT(I love it and yes you´re going to need a box of Kleenex).
    I also like Nightshade and Uneartly.
    There are some books in your wishlist that I haven´t read but I have order as SHATTER ME and THE IRON KNIGHT.
    Hope been helpful =D

  29. defintitely tiger's curse by colleen houck! i just finished her latest book and it is an awesome series! i recommend it.

  30. You might want to keep more books than you actually think you might get. That way, people will have more choices when they are picking out presents. It also might get them interested in the books for either other people or themselves. The only other thing I can think of if you want to shorten the list would be to see what is available at your library, that way you can read them and then if you loved it, you can get your own copy.

  31. I'd love to read Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck too. Hope you keep that one in your list. Have to admit the 1st thing that caught my attention with the book was the cvr but the synopsis sounded interesting too.

  32. Well I seriously have to recommend The Forest of Hands and Teeth. I love the series, and think that I love this book the most.
    I would also recommend that Across the Universe stay on the list.

  33. Greetings from a fellow Canadian:
    My son told me to read this amazing book
    World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks. Once you get into the unique aspect of
    the story telling of the book. It is really great if you like Zombie books. I too love to read.
    cheers Dayle

  34. Coming back to attempt to be helpful. Here are the ones I read & liked:

    Across the Universe
    White Cat
    Cracked up to Be
    Forest of Hands & Teeth

  35. You MUST read Amy & Roger's Epic Detour! That was one of my favorite books this year. Also, I'm reading Sweet Venom right now and it's really good. Across the Universe is also fantastic. Those are the only ones from your list that I've read, but I have quite a few of these on my wish list, too. I can't wait for Sweetly, after reading Sisters Red, I'm dying to read anything else by Jackson Pearce!
    BTW, I'm the same way...I have so much trouble telling people what I want for Christmas! Doesn't help that my birthday is just 9 days before Christmas, so I have to come up with stuff for both, but my mind just goes completely blank!

  36. Okay, here goes nothing!

    Iron Knight, Dearly, Departed, Remembrance and Touch need to stay in that list. They are all awesome books, driven by amazing characters and narrated with a perfect fit of style and pace.

    If I say does have a second part, and this might help to solve the tissue problem that held you back.

    From the books you've listed and I've read, I'd only take out Nighshade - I just can't care for the main character, and I've read too many reviews of friends who couldn't either.

    Hope that helped at all?

  37. Shatter Me was amazing, and Twenty Boy Summer and Amy & Roger are two of my favourites. I also really loved If I Stay and Paper Towns. The Forest of Hands and Teeth was pretty awesome as well.

  38. Unearthly, Touch, Across the Universe and Hush Hush are all ones I'd recommend! I've them all and loooooved them! :)

    Liza @ Book Crook Liza

  39. Touch sounds really awesome! It's on my wish list too! I liked If I Stay, but didn't love it. Hush, Hush would be a nice read if you enjoy reading about fallen angels or myths of that kind.

  40. Hush Hush, Forbidden and Nightshade are all awesome!

  41. they all sound good,

    I think maybe you should just read the first chapter of everything, then decide which one stays on your mind, [in a good way]



  42. I thought Beautiful Dark was okay and have liked some of the others. Out of all of them, I'd keep Forbidden and If I Stay. I <3 Adam (from If I Stay)!


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