Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday Spotlight #5: Chick Loves Lit

Hello and welcome to the fifth edition of Saturday Spotlight here at I Write, I Read, I Review. This is the place where I invite fellow book bloggers to chat about all of the awesome things going on within their own slice of the book blogging pie. And do I have a treat for you this week! Please join me in welcoming Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit. :)

Kathy: Thanks so much for joining us today. Now let's get right to the good stuff, shall we? So, why did you start blogging?

Shanyn: Early 2009! I started reading all types of fiction, but about six months into blogging changed to almost exclusively YA reviews - I love the character development and pace in the genre!

Kathy: What do you guys view as your greatest accomplishment as book bloggers?

Shanyn: Greatest accomplishment - wow! That might be being able to go to Book Expo America in New York City the past two years. I had never travelled alone and never been to NYC, but because of book blogging I was able to go and have an awesome experience.

Kathy: What advice would you give to other bloggers?

Shanyn: My advice is to do what you love and to not worry about the rest. Everyone is posting a picture of the book they are reading every Thursday but you don't want to? Don't do it! Your blog is yours, and if you are trying to please others instead of writing for yourself, you'll lose interest.

Kathy: Care to share some of the blogs you love to visit?

Shanyn: Oh goodness. is an excellent YA book blogger - she is committed to young adult literature and it definitely shows on her blog.

As for others...,, ...and I could go on :)

Kathy: What fabulous thing(s) are you doing on your blog right now? Got anything awesome planned for the future?

Shanyn: Just Contemporary! It is happening all throughout the month of November - it is being co-hosted by myself and Ashley at We have over 25 YA contemporary authors participating, interviews, guest posts, giveaways - you name it. We are excited to celebrate the contemporary books in young adult literature!

Kathy: Alright. We've done a lot of talk about blogging. Now let's get to the good stuff. Books! First up: I'm sure you've read lots of books. Is there one you really love? A book you would feel confident in calling an absolute must read? why do you love it? What makes it great?

Shanyn: My love is for contemporary YA, but the one series I will always recommend is Harry Potter by JK Rowling.

Kathy: As book bloggers we are constantly reading new books and finding those that we really enjoy. Has there been a book that you've read recently that you've loved and would recommend? Why do you love it? What makes it great?

Shanyn: Best books I've read with release dates near November - Virtuosity by Jessica Martinez; Don't Breath a Word by Holly Cupala; Saving June by Hannah Harrington; Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard. They are all contemporaries, and they are all EXCELLENT.
Kathy: And then there are all of those books that are coming out in the future. It never really stops. So, what upcoming book are you dying to read? What about it has you excited? And what crazy, zany thing would you do if it meant you could have it *right now*? :D

Shanyn: I cannot WAIT to read Insurgent by Veronica Roth, the sequel to Divergent. It's hard for me to type about Insurgent without ruining anything from Divergent, so you'll just have to take my word on it :)

Kathy: I absolutely loved Divergent and Insurgent is really way up there on my 2012 must read list, too. 

Kathy: Okay! Now it's your turn to ask everyone a question. :)

Shanyn: Tell me about a contemporary YA novel you have read and loved!

Kathy: *crickets chrip as people wait for the answer, most already knowing what is coming* The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson. Although I have heard some people argue it shouldn't be placed here because of the writing style. I also read and loved Shut Out by Kody Keplinger earlier this year.

Kathy: So, was there anything else you'd like to say?

Shanyn: I think that's all! Thanks so much.

1 comment:

  1. Why wouldn't The Sky is Everywhere be contemporary? Love that book, by the way.

    So I just read Catching Jordan off Netgalley and I adored it!! Totally made me smile, and I'm recommending it all over the place. It's like Anna and the French Kiss meets Friday Night Lights.

    Wanderlove was fabulous! I can't wait for it to come out. And I totally agree, I'm dying to read Insurgent.


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