Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kathy's TBR Pile

The dreaded TBR pile. Gotta love it. Gotta hate it. As book bloggers, I think it's pretty safe to say we all have one. Whether it's a mountain of books that are due for review, getting a little too trigger happy on the giveaways, being addicted to NetGalley, not being able to resist an author review request that just sounds too fabulous for words or ... gasp! ... going on a huge book shopping spree.

There are many ways to make your home look like you have the bookish equivalent of Mt. Everest sitting on your bookshelves (and dresser, and floor, and bedside table, and...) Yeah. It can be that bad.

Below you will find my current TBR pile. This will give you an idea of the books that I have here and that I will (hopefully!) be reading in the future.

Kathy's TBR Pile: (For Review)

Note: dates provided where possible.

Kathy's TBR Pile: (Personal)

Please be aware that this is my personal reading pile. These are not books that are scheduled for an actually dated review. They have either been purchased by me, received as a gift or won in a giveaway. 

*I realize the book noted with this symbol is part of a series and that it should be read in the correct reading order.


  1. You have some great books to get through thought ! I have Die For Me and The Iron Knight series on my TBR pile, I joined a 2012 TBR challenge just so I could get the motivation to read them all.

  2. I can tell you that Die For Me, Across the Universe and Nightshade are all amazing books! Especially AtU. I can't praise that book highly enough. You need to read it as soon as possible!

    I think I have a little over 100 books at home that I haven't gotten to yet! Yikes!

    I have a plan to read mostly books I own next year (with the exception being books I need to read for 2012 challenges or book club reads). Of course, I had this plan for the last couple of years too and it didn't work out then. Well, we'll see if I can stick to it in 2012. :)

  3. I have sooooooooooooooo many books to read. I faint to even think about it! Good luck :)

  4. I suggest The Night Circus, it's not a YA so it's a little different than most of the books on the pile. Also, it's not a series so no commitment.

    I'm reading Delirium and find it quite interesting. I find it's actually a hard book to want to review, so it's great for personal reading.

  5. I suggest eve/ crumbled america, new america/ girl finding the truth , sounds cool and i loved it

  6. You have to read Amy and Rogers Epic Detour and Hush, Hush. I loved them and think you'll enjoy them aswell!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Great book list, i think you should read Starcrossed next, i really loved that book.

  9. You should read Delirium, or Matched, or Incarceron...Okay I'll stick with Delirium!

  10. You have some great choices. I recommend Die for Me or City of Bones.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I suggest you read The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater next. It is one of my favorites of the year. It really stood out.

  13. GLOW! While I find it slow to start i LOVED it and was unable to put it down!!

  14. I suggest Delirium. I liked it.

  15. I suggest you to read Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I've read so many rave reviews about it. Personally, I want to read it too, but I haven't got the chance so far.

  16. I suggest you read Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare. That's actually the second book of the Infernal Devices trilogy, which is the prequel of the Mortal Instruments. I assure you that it won't waste your time. :)

  17. So many good books to chose from!

    But I'm going to have to go with The Night Circus, mainly because I really really REALLY want to read this book and I would like to hear what you thought of it. Plus, the premise is lovely and so is the cover.

  18. What about Unearthly?

    it seems pretty good right?


  19. There are a bunch of books in your personal pile that i could recommend:

    I just read The Scorpio Races and really enjoyed it. Very different from anything i've read. Read it!

  20. Delirium by Lauren Oliver is what I want to hear more about so read this one next plz

  21. Blood Promise is a really good book, I´m fan of the Vampire Academy series.
    Delirium is a book that I haven´t read yet, but I plan to.


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