Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Top Ten Covers or Titles

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

This week's topic is: Top Ten Books I Bought Because of the Title or Cover

This was a pretty tough topic for me. Generally speaking, a pretty cover on a book is like icing on a cake as far as I am concerned. A good cover can be helpful, though, if it ties in with what the book is about or evokes a certain mood. And once I choose a book and own it, then (ironically) I might actually be interested in how pretty the cover is. I guess I'm a little backwards. Anyway, here are ten books that deserve to be recognized for their covers or titles and why I like them.

by Meg Cabot

I love the contrast between the girl lying tranquilly still and the dark background. The gold lettering gives the book a timeless, elegant touch that fits the mood of the story one would expect to find inside. This was an impulse buy where the cover definitely helped make the sale. (Alas, it was also a book I did not care for and ended up a DNF. You know what they say about judging books by the cover...)

by P.C. and Kristen Cast

What's not to love here? Hot guy with black wings and cool looking tattoos? Of all of the House of Night covers, Awakened is far and away my favorite. Being totally honest I would have bought this anyway, but it's always nice to have books on my shelf that are eye catchers, and this fills the bill.

Dearly, Departed
by Lia Habel

Okay, I must admit that I will not be buying this until tomorrow. But the cover is absolutely stunning. The mix between the blacks and grays and hints of -- I think the color I want is burgandy? The way that the black that is throughout the cover is countered by place and delicately designed detail work? The fact that this is about a futuristic society emulating Victorian England and infested by Zombies makes these contrasts all the sweeter.

Die For Me
by Amy Plum

This is one where the cover and the title have both caught my attention. I haven't bought this yet (I'll spare you the string of crap luck that has followed my purchase attempts) but the design of the book and it's title both have me intrigued. I'm not sure whether this one really stands out to me, or whether it's just taking me long enough to get it that I have noticed these things. I do wonder what the title has to do with the book, though.

by Sophie Jordan

She looks like she knows something that I don't, and I won't find out what that is unless I read the book. I love the contrast between her appearance and the scales that are showing just above her eye. I also feel that the golden lettering is a pretty compliment to the way that the picture is done. It also suits the title of the book when contrasted against the cover model's hair, creating the reds and golds that one might see in an actual fire. Simple, yet compelling.

The Iron King
by Julie Kagawa

The images that you see of these covers on the internet simply don't do them justice. Not only are the colors mood setting for each book, but the swirling patterns have a glittery finish that gives them an even more magical feeling. I love the fact that they seem both tranquil and enchanting at the same time. They are simple, clean covers that are bound together by smart palette choices and they suit the books perfectly.

Lola and the Boy Next Door
by Stephanie Perkins

The bright cheery colors give me the sense that I am going to be reading something that will hopefully brighten my day. I love the body language of the two characters on the front of the book. I also love the contrast in their appearances -- she looks very edgy and carefree and like someone who wants to be her own individual, while he looks like a guy who is more natural and who is very comfortable in his own skin. Are they? Not sure since I haven't read this yet. But these are my guesses based on the cover, anyway.

by Michelle Madow

There is so much here to love. The thoughtful expression of the character. The lighting against her face. The detailing on the mask. The lose trendils of the hairstyle chosen. It all creates a warmth and sense of romanticism, yet at the same time (thanks to the beautiful mask and her expression) hints at some form of underlying mystery or secret that has yet to be fully revealed. I have an e-copy of this book, but to me this is the sort of book that you buy a physical copy of. This belongs on an actual book shelf.

by Lauren DeStefano

Another book that simply had to be here. The contrast between the character on the cover and the rich purple that saturates the rest of the book is eye popping. I also love the delicate lines that highlight the title and the little details that are circled to draw the eye to them gradually, one at a time. Wither has a cover that I have picked the book up several times just to glance at. It is well put together and yet exquisitely detailed all at once. Definitely one of my favorites.

Keturah and Lord Death
by Martine Leavitt

It's the title that drew me to this one. Quite literally, actually. I was looking at a list of under-appreciated YA and as I scrolled down the titles available this one caught my eye. I am rather fascinated with the Hades and Persephone myth, and any other tale that involves the idea of Death as a being who falls in love. So I simply had to have this. I haven't read it yet. I'm thinking of making it my Halloween read. (No promises... we all know how bad I can be at reading what I say I'm going to!) Very glad I got this one, though.

So, what was on your list this week? Anything I've listed catch your eye? I'd love to know, so feel free to leave a comment. 


  1. The book cover of remembrance is just stunning...

  2. Wither is on almost everyone's list. It's on mine!

    Another good one with Firelight. I loved that cover, too. And the insides are just as good!

  3. I love the Awakened cover ... though, I love Rephaim, so I'm an easy sell. :-)

  4. Thank you for including Remembrance on your list! :)

    I have Wither and Firelight on mine as well. Love those covers! <3

  5. I have never heard of Keturah and Lord Death before! It sounds fantastic. :) I love the myth too, as well as any book that features Death as a character. Definitely going on my to read list!

    Here's mine!

  6. Love these covers. Especially AWAKENED and DEARLY DEPARTED. Very nice.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    -Marybeth P.

  7. I think The Iron King might be my favorite cover of the series. Great list!

  8. Dearly Departed has such a gorgeous cover! Even though the idea of a zombie love interest grosses me out, I will probably still read this book just because I love the cover so much.

    All of the covers in the Iron Fey series are amazing!

  9. The only book I've read on your list is Abandoned. Yikes! Off to remedy that...

  10. I can tell you like floral scrolls :) I do to! If a book as them on the cover I always take a second look!


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