Monday, October 10, 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (Oct. 10th, 2011)

Well, well... I actually managed to get something done this week. Yay!

I didn't stick perfectly to what I listed (Do I ever?) but I did get three reviews out this week and I am almost done the book I'm reading now, so I should have a new review posted up Monday or Tuesday. But I'm rambling, so let's get to the good stuff, shall we? He's what happened last week and my hopes for the week ahead.

What I Read Last Week...

by Maggie Stiefvater

I should have DNFed this book. Seriously. I didn't like it and I couldn't get into it. (And before you go "Whoa! What?" feel free to see my review for full details.) It's not that this particular book was so "terrible" that it shouldn't have been completed. Rather, it's that when I dislike a book reading it feels like walking through quicksand.

Better analogy: You've seen the old classic Willy Wonka film right? Remember the part where the kid falls into the chocolate river and gets stuck in the pipes? That's what happens to my reading schedule when I'm stuck on a book I'm not enjoying. I really need to figure out a way to explain books I don't want to complete so that they can quit blocking me from moving on.

by P.C. and Kristen Cast

Okay, I admit it. There really isn't anything terribly productive about going back and reading a book that I've read before. But I wanted to make sure that I gave Marked a real, proper review, so that's what I did. And while I did not rate it an extremely high number of stars, I had fun getting to see the characters go through everything knowing what awaits them in the future.

Sisters Red
by Jackson Pearce

Okay, I'm cheating a little. I have about 50 pages to go before I will be done with this book. But since the odds are in my favor that I'll finish it tonight, I'm going to list it anyway. This has been a really fun read. I think that Jackson Pearce does a fantastic job of writing a well told story, especially with the focus majorly being on only three characters (Scarlett, Rosie and Silas). I also think she did a good job at making sure that both Scarlett and Rosie had equally interesting POV so that the reader wasn't left going "Oh, no! Not (name)!" But I should really be saving that stuff for the review, huh? :D

What I Hope To Read This Week...

Kiss of Life
by Daniel Waters

Nope, I still haven't gotten to this yet. Sisters Red was demanding my attention so I had to listen to my gut and read it right away. But hopefully this week will be good for some Zombie love. :D I still ay it's my brain playing tricks on me. The moment I tell anyone I'm going to read something, my brain goes "Nope! I want you to read *this* !" So we'll see. I do really want to read this because I want to get a review out and I am curious to see what happens.

by Michelle Madow

I'm pretty excited about this one. Not only does it have a totally gorgeous cover and an interesting story idea, but it's also the first book that I've had an author approach me about that I have accepted for review. I'm very careful what I accept to review on my blog. Why? Because I know I'm picky. I generally know what I *might* like. As it stands, though, I think I need a change of pace from paranormal -- I know better then to read one genre if another is calling me in it's direction -- and this should be the perfect fit. I'm also looking into buying a Kindle, so this *might* wait a wee bit longer. We'll see.

City of Bones
by Cassandra Clare

It's time I saw what all the fuss is about. A lot of people seem to really love this series. I know it's gotten some nominations for The Bleeding Hearts Awards. So I suppose its time to settle in with the copy that I bought over a year ago and see what I've been missing. Yes, feel free to laugh, scream, cry or all three ... I've had City of Bones and City of Glass on my shelf that long. Gee, I know what my book for The Time Will Come is going to be this week...

by Stephenie Meyer

Another "What?!" moment for some of you, I'm sure. I've honestly never read this and my cousin and aunt have been bugging me to for years. Okay -- I tried it and it was putting me to sleep but I'm going to try it one more time. I really do want to understand what the fuss is about here. I love romantic books and people seem to completely swoon over Bella and Edward's story, so there has to be something that I have overlooked. Either way, I'll be delighted to bring you my take on it.

Okay, I think that's enough stuff for me. Odds are I'll change my mind and read something completely different by midweek. But I suppose that's what the What I Read Last Week section is really there for, isn't it? :D

So, what did you read last week? Love it? Hate it? What do you hope to read this week? I'd love to know, so feel free to leave a comment.


  1. I haven't read the Stephenie Meyer books either and probably won't - the whole paranormal genre just isn't my thing. I hope you end up enjoying it this time around.

    Stop by my It's Monday post if you get a chance.

  2. I read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, which I liked but didn't love as much as I was hoping to.

    I also read Clean by Amy Reed, which I adored. It has everything I love about gritty contemporary.

    Now I'm reading Bunheads by Sophie Flack and really enjoying it so far.

  3. Rememberance looks good - gorgeous cover! Happy Reading!

  4. I do the same thing. If I list something as my "Up Next" read on a Monday post, that's probably the one book I will not get to that week. It's just sheer contrariness on my part, I admit it. Enjoy your week, whatever you choose to read!

  5. I rarely stick to the list of books I planned either! You have a good list there! Have a great week!


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