Friday, October 21, 2011

Five Friday Favorites (Oct. 21st)

Five Friday Favorites is something that was started by Kati over at Romancing Rakes. The question is simple: what are you loving this week? What books, movies, music or products are making you smile? For my part, I'm adding events and nice things that people have done for me. I was actually about to start a feature along these lines anyway, so I am really glad that I noticed this and saw the encouragement to take part. Plus, look at how cute the button for it is? :D

Anyway, here's my list:

1. I Was Approved To Read Dearly, Departed

How much have you guys heard me go on about wanting to read Dearly Departed by Lia Habel? A lot, right? Well, when I woke up on Tuesday my original plan was to rush straight to Amazon and buy it for my new Kindle.

Good thing I waited! I checked my e-mail first, just to see if anyone had written anything about some of the events and projects I have going. And what did I find? The lovely people at Random House once again approved one of my review requests. Now, I was totally floored when they approved me for Graffiti Moon (which, by the way, I loved. My review will be up in November.) But to be approved to read Dearly Departed the day that it released is something I never saw coming.

I can tell you one thing: If I love the book as much as I'm hoping I will, I will be buying a physical copy of it. it's the kind of book cover that deserves to be on a shelf, viewed and enjoyed long after the last page.

2. I Was Approved To Read Between the Sea and Sky

Dearly Departed is not the only NetGalley love that I've received this week, though. The fine folks over at Bloomsbury Children's Books have approved my request to read Between the Sea and Sky, which looks like it should be totally fabulous.

Summary from GoodReads:

For as long as Esmerine can remember, she has longed to join her older sister, Dosinia, as a siren--the highest calling a mermaid can have. When Dosinia runs away to the mainland, Esmerine is sent to retrieve her. Using magic to transform her tail into legs, she makes her way unsteadily to the capital city. There she comes upon a friend she hasn't seen since childhood--a dashing young man named Alandare, who belongs to a winged race of people. As Esmerine and Alandare band together to search for Dosinia, they rekindle a friendship . . . and ignite the emotions for a love so great, it cannot be bound by sea, land, or air.

How could I possibly resist wanting to read that? I absolutely cannot wait! 

3. I Get to be Part of the Mortal Obligation Tour

I know, I know! I've mentioned this a couple times in the past few days. But I am extremely excited to be taking part. Not only did I get to read a new book. (I'd tell you what I think of it, but then I'd have to kill you. Come back on November 10th and my lips will magically un-seal.) but I also get to do my first author interview, and Nichole is being so nice as to have a giveaway on my blog of her book! You absolutely won't want to miss out on this! (Okay, okay... Enough with the promo stuff. I'm getting off topic.) 

But seriously, I am always humbled when my blog takes another step down the path of sharing my love of books with others. I never imagined that I would be involved in a book tour at this point (or that I'd be getting to review books that haven't released yet, either, for that matter.) and I sincerely hope that I never become disenchanted with this kind of stuff.

4. We Finally Figured Out Where To Buy My Favorite Garlic Toast

Yes, hello there randomsauce. How nice of you to drop in. :D This is one of my favorite non-book-related indulgences, and I couldn't resist sharing... 

My favorite breakfast is pictured to the left. Yes, that is garlic toast and hot chocolate. Yes, I am a very strange individual. The type of Garlic Toast that I buy (I cannot think of the brand name... I just spent ten minutes trying to find an image.) is as easy as making Pop Tarts. You stick in in the toaster for two minutes or so, take it out, and enjoy. (It's pre-buttered). As for hot chocolate, my recommendations are either President's Choice from No Frills, or the new Cadburry cocoas made to taste like various chocolate bars. (The Rollo ones are particularly divine.) But yes... Garlic toast, hot chocolate and a good book tend to make a very happy Kat. :)

Oookay, why do I feel like I just did the blogger equivalent a Kanye West tweet? (Okay, now I have to link a video or the reference probably won't make any sense... And while we're listing favorite 'things', this also has to do with Josh Groban, but I'm not counting it since he is a person.)

5. I'm Taking Part in the Wonderfully Wicked Read-A-Thon!

I'll be doing a far more detailed opening post for this in a few minutes, but I may as well make it my fifth thing since I am very excited to be taking part. I have some totally fabulous books picked out. I wonder how many of them will get read? And I do mean fab-u-lous books, people. Wait til you see... (Check for "Wonderfully Wicked 2011: Day #1 in a few minutes...)

If you are taking part feel free to drop by and say hi. I'd love to know what you're reading and how you're enjoying it! 

If you're interested in taking part, it's not too late. Drop by My Shelf Confessions and sign up on the linky!

Well that's it for me. So, how did you enjoy my first go at 5 Friday Favorites? I'd love to know, so feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Hi Kathy! Thanks for joining in the fun! One day I'll make this feature legit (grab button, linky list and all those fancy bells and whistles that go with link up features). Those sound like great books. It's always a thrill to be approved to read a book you've been dying to get your hands on from Netgalley. And that video of Josh Groban singing Kanye's tweets, HILARIOUS. I watched it quite a number of times the time I stumbled upon it. LOL.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. lol! I love that Josh Groban video! I'm such a huge fan of him, it's fun to see him doing something silly instead of just listening to his regular songs on my iPod, haha

  3. I just started my Galley of Dearly,Departed. So far so good ! I like hot chocolate and garlic toast, but I never thought to have them together


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