Saturday, October 15, 2011

In My Mailbox (Oct. 15th)

In My Mailbox is a weekly feature hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren. Every week we visit fellow bloggers to see all the awesome goodies they scored in the last week. It's a great way to show, tell and cheer each other on. :)

This week has been super good to me. :) I made some awesome purchases that I'm totally dying to share with you guys, I won some amazing prizes from giveaways that will hopefully be showing up in the mail soon, and I made a super-duper OMG purchase just today that I am really squeeing over. I might need your opinion on a couple things about that, so watch for the polls. :D Y'know how much I love polls. Anyway, on to the awesome!

First up, I got a package with this...

I wanted to buy Need when I went to Chapters at the end of September, but they were totally sold out so that was out of the question. Fortunately for me, they decided to have a sale on and I got it for $6! What an absolute steal! This will probably be one of the books that I read during the two read-a-thons I'm signed up for next week. If I get to it. I have a lot more to show you...

You may recall that I did a pretty awesome giveaway last month where I let two winners pick either Carrier of the Mark or Lola and the Boy Next Door to celebrate 50 and 100 followers. (I still need to decide what I'll do the next time I hit a milestone, but that's another topic for another time. Still got a ways to go.) Anyway, I finally got around to sending copies of these to myself. :D And I can't wait to read them. I think I'll be starting Carrier of the Mark once I finish reading Twilight.

Wait! Wait! Not done yet! :D

Anyone wanna hazard a guess how bad I want to read these? I loved The Iron King and I have wanted to get my hands on The Iron Daughter and The Iron Queen since the moment that I read the last page. And now I have them. But I'm working on other books. And it's torture! But I will get them done before I get to these. And trust me, I will get to these before The Iron Knight releases on the 25th...

QUESTION #1: Does anyone have any interest in some type of Iron Fey themed event in the future? Right now I'm just checking out interest. But I'd also be delighted to see if anyone else would be interested in planning something of this nature. Perhaps early December -- or if the holidays will be too crazy, January? Anyway, let me know. :)

... Back to the Box, now! Yes, I have one more thing I want to show you guys...

... What could this be? Hmm...

Yes! I finally bought a Kindle!

Now I know what some of you might be thinking... "Wait, Kat! The new Kindle Touch just released." Well, I am in Canada and Kindle is not selling the touch model to us yet. Plus, I was actually able to buy this right here in town. I am quite excited to put it to good use. The large font options are going to be a fabulous lifesaver for my eyes and I love getting to highlight quotes -- I would never do that in a paperback or hardback book. *thinks "Blasphemy!" and shudders*

QUESTION #2: Which of these skins should I buy from decalgirl? (I can't decide!)

1. Her Abstraction

Pink is awesome, especially when various hues of it are mixed with black, white and silver. This is a lot like how I generally keep I Write, I Read, I Review It's also a design I have oohed and aahed over at DecalGirl for years.

2. Night Fairy

I love the detail work on the fairy character in this. She'd be far better (for me, at least) if she had red hair, but the point isn't necessarily *this* fairy, but the idea of a skin with a character on it. I do like all of the shades of purple here, though. Or this could just be a side effect of all the fey related stuff I've been reading? Who knows.

3. The Pink Opaque

What have we here? Multiple shades of pink and butterflies... <3! This is another skin that I am really tempted to pick because of the colors and because of the totally awesome pink butterfly on the front.

4. Valentine

There is much here that I like. The little avi character is cute with her short brown hair and bat wings -- how would you like her to be reviewing books? ;) The color blend, with black and white and pink and the black lacey detailing is awesome. And the hearts? How could I not love the hearts, considering they're my rating system?

5. Chasing Butterlies

I love this one, too. It has beautiful shading to the images and gives off a semi-eerie, semi-tranquil vibe. It somewhat reminds me of the Underworld from Moon Dance with the white and purple and pale lights of the fireflies / fairies / whatever those things are. And of course I chose it for the butterfly and the beautiful purples throughout. An added bonus is how easy the keys are to see.

I'd love your opinion one which one(s) you like or don't like. I know I have to decide ultimately, but I figure a little extra insight can go a long way. I get to buy a skin for my netbook, too, so I will get to select either matching skins or a unique skin for each device.

QUESTION #3: What do you think the first book I read on my Kindle should be? I'm open to suggestions. :)

Anyway, I've gotten us *way* off topic. But that concludes what I wanted to show you and ask you about. Please feel free to leave a comment. You can answer my questions, tell me what you think of what I bought, or send me to your own In My Mailbox. I'm always happy to see good things happening to my fellow bloggers. Have a great day!


  1. Oh awesome you got an eReader! I have a Kobo and I love it. It's so easy to just pack up and bring with you. I love the Night Fairy design!

    And great books. I'm still waiting for Lola to appear at my door magically from Book Depository *cry*.

  2. Omg wow what an awesome haul! Need is a really good book so I hope you enjoy it. I just finished the Iron King and I loved it so I can't wait to read the rest of the series. I want Carrier of the Mark and Lola sooooo bad!!! Congrats on the kindle! I reccommend design 1 and 3 but they are all great. Thanks for sharing and enjoy!!!! Can't wait to see the reviews!

  3. Oh.... I hope you enjoy The Iron Queen!!! The first time I've read it, I cried!!! I love it so much!!! I can't wait to read your review...

    Kathy, thank you so much for featuring my blog...

  4. You're very welcome. :) As I mentioned in the comments for the Spotlight, I love interviewing the friends I've made since I started and encouraging people to check out their blogs. :) And I'll definitely let you know what I think of The Iron Daughter and The Iron Queen. :D That's half the fun. ;)

  5. THAT IS A WEEK OF AWESOME BOOKS! And I vote skin #1 :)

  6. Wow! Great IMM this week, such awesome books :) Oh and congratulations on your Kindle!! I like skin number 3!

  7. Oooh great book selection this week! Iron Fey series <3 LOVE it.

    My favorite skin is #3. It's similar to mine on my Nook Color. Mine is more grunge though with butterflies. Can't go wrong with pink and butterflies!

  8. Wonderful haul! I hope you enjoy them all!

    My IMM:

    Hope you're having an excellent weekend!

    -Wendy from A Cupcake and a Latte.

  9. YAY for Lola! I LOVED this of my fav. 2011 titles!

  10. I. Love. Iron. Fey.

    I can't even speak of all the love I have for that series. And congrats on your kindle!

    I'm a fan of number three for the skins. :)

  11. I personally like Night Fairy, but I like purple so I'm biased. Great haul of books. Enjoy your new Kindle. E-Readers make life a lot easier. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love. New follower.

  12. Her Abstraction is the one I like best ! I can't wait to get a Kindle so, I can get some covers for it !

  13. Great IMM this week.

    I want to read the Iron Fey series so bad, but have to many books in my TBR pile already!

    I am partial to the Chasing Butterflies skin if you want to know :P

    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    My IMM!

  14. 1. You're just now reading Twlight? Gah!!!
    2. I love my Kindle! And I prefer the one you have (same as mine) because the screen really does look just like the pages from a book. I don't need no stinkin' touch screen!
    3. I like one of the covers with the pink. I actually don't love pink, but I think those two are the prettiest.

    Here's my IMM: Goldilox and the Three Weres IMM

    Goldilox (new follower!)

  15. Great IMM! Carrier of the Mark sounds so good. I think the second (Night Fairy) design is gorgeous! The last design is really cute too. Hope you enjoy all your new books and Kindle! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :D

    My Cute Bookshelf

  16. I love your IMM so much! I've read almost all the books in your IMM and it's good, especially the Iron Fey series and Lola and the boy Next Door! I love the Chasing Butterfly skin! I wish I have a kindle too. :)

  17. Wow - what a week! I think #4 or #5 are my favs. So cool that you got Lola.
    My IMM

  18. A Kindle!! Awww, that's so awesome. I'll get one for my birthday next Sunday and I'm sooooo excited for it.
    And I'm reading Carrier of the Mark right now (it's actually a little similar to Twilight) and I loved Lola and the Boy Next Door and the Iron Fey series. :)

    I hope you enjoy all of this.
    Have a lovely week,
    Carina @ Fictional Distraction

  19. Lola was amazing! I prefer Anna but Lola was a great read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Stephanie is an amazing writer!

    Books of Amber

  20. Great mailbox! I've been thinking of adding a Kindle to my ereaders. Amazon has great sales that are not always available for other readers. Carrier of the Mark is on my wishlist. Happy reading!

  21. Congrats on the kindle. I have one and I love it so much. I take it everywhere with me. I still buy loads of books, I am trying to cut back.

    Check out my IMM here.

    Emma @ LostinaYAbook

  22. Great mailbox! I love The Iron Fey series, it's so great. Congrats on your kindle!!

  23. Great books!! I totally want to read Lola and Carrier of the Mark too! I've decided to give the Iron Fey series another shot.. I hadn't read any of them before starting The Iron Knight off Netgalley and I just couldn't get into it. But after seeing the trailer, and how everyone loves it, I think I need to give it another shot :P

    As for the decals, I love #1!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    IMM | 2 Giveaways

  24. Congratulations on your great haul for the week! Carrier of the Mark was a book I read recently and I loved it so I hope you do too.

    Also, congrats on the Kindle! I'd choose decal #3 :)

  25. Great mailbox! I've only read Lola out of these books (the rest are on the to-read list) - but I loved Lola! Hope you enjoy it as well!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM :)

  26. Congrats on your Kindle! I got that same model last year for my birthday and I love it. I vote for skin #1. And I'm so jealous that you got Lola! It's on my wish list but will probably have to wait until next month when I get some gift cards.

  27. Yay! Congrats on buying your new kindle AND to having such a spectacular book week. I have litteraly been dying to read The Carrier of the Mark and Lola & the Boy Next Door! I hope you enjoy those two. As to what skin is my favorite, definitely #1! It is so cute!

  28. I bought a Kindle recently myself and although I have a perfectly nice case...those skins! So pretty! Me want! :-D

  29. Holy fantastic loot last week Kat! I just got my copy of Lola today, thanks to YOU, and I can't wait to show it off on Sunday's IMM! Oooh, a Kindle! I'm trying to think where in Napanee they would see them lmao. I like the 1st and 2nd skins myself, they're so pretty. I would LOVE to see an Iron Fey themed something-or-other here on your blog, I was in love with Iron King, and have Iron Daughter right now from the library, although I'm not I'll get to it...I'm tempted just to buy it, to be honest...or hope to win it? lol


Thanks for visiting my blog. I love comments! Please feel free to tell me what you think about my blog and the things I am posting. I enjoy hearing what others think. :)

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