Saturday, October 29, 2011

In My Mailbox (Oct. 29th)

Well, I hope everyone had a great week. :) I know that I did. I didn't get "as much" this week, but the books I got were still either very much wanted or a nice surprise. Unfortunately Facebook and my DSI do not want to cooperate tonight so there won't be any "live" pictures. Then again, how many times do you guys need to see my leopard print bedspread before it gets old? :p

Let's move on to what you're really here for: the books.

I finally made my first Kindle purchase and I think it was quite appropriate. Some of you may know that P.C. & Kristen Cast's House of Night series is what got me into YA. So I have been counting down the days until the release of Destined.

I won't lie: I dropped everything and read this immediately. And now I'm stuck waiting for the next book. :p As far as full details on how I felt about it, I will likely have my actual review for Destined up sometime next week.

I am still going to buy this in hardcover. I almost went for it tonight but figure it will be in town for a few weeks and I get paid on Monday, so there was no reason to mess up the last of this month's cash when getting the book will be no issue and I have already read it.

Something weird and unique happened to me this week, though. Each of my parents randomly picked up a book for me that they saw and "thought I would like". Considering how much they tend to bemoan too many books in my 10 x 10 bedroom, that's somewhat amusing.

My mother got me The Night Circus. The print in this is kinda tiny and I would have preferred it for Kindle if I was going to buy it. The cover is gorgeous though, with the simple colors and then the rainbow effect when light hits the title lettering.

Not sure what I'll think of this. It was not really on my radar. My mom, apparently, was thinking of Halloween coming up and the fact that I usually stay in and hand out candy (and she brings candy back for me.). Apparently it made her think of Something Wicked This Way Comes. (My favorite is still the animated version of The Halloween Tree, but that's just tradition by this point.)

Anyone know anything about this? I've read that it got a lot of fuss when it released but I was focused on other books at the time.

That's a pretty big pair of shoes for any book to fill, and I certainly don't expect that of this book. (That would not be fair, plus that book already exists.) At any rate, thanks to mom.

And if that wasn't strange enough my dad got me a book, too. Which is really, really strange because my dad is not a reader. (We're working on getting him some audiobooks and he tends to love book to movie adaptations. Some people just don't find reading the same as others, I suppose?) I did not intend to buy The Scorpio Races.

Anyway, my money says my dad was thinking of movies, not of books, when he picked this up. I'm certain he didn't know I read and reviewed Shiver and gave it one heart. He was probably thinking of movies about traveling and exploring, race horses or sled dogs, when he bought this. So I will read it. I will definitely keep an open mind, because the premise does sound fascinating.

But it's definitely not a book I would have bought on my own. Which is probably a good thing ... If it was a book I would have bought on my own, then there is no reason I won't get around to buying it.

The print in this one looks big enough that reading the hardcover should be just fine. Thanks so much to dad for picking it up. (Who am I to gripe about a free book?) Anyone have any thoughts on The Scorpio Races they'd like to share?

So, what did you get this week? Have you ever had loved ones randomly pick out a book for you that made them think of you? I hope the week has treated you all well. :) Happy reading!


  1. Oh I still haven't gotten to the Night Circus yet! Gaaah. Hope you like it it's been getting great reviews.

    Xpresso Reads

  2. I started The Night Circus. It has been on my radar since the Wall Street Journal compared it to Harry Potter back in August.

    It's nothing like HP, but it is an amazing book. I almost don't want to finish it ! I think the print version helps set the mood for the book.

    It is great that your parents gave you books. I don't think mine would even know where to start.

  3. The Night Circus is beautiful to read.

  4. Scorpio Races!!!!! Can't wait to read that book. It truly looks amazing :D

    My IMM:

  5. I need to get Destined really bad!! I've been dying to know what happens next in Zoe's world.

  6. I live in Tulsa, the Cast's are always going into the book stores here and signing books to leave on the shelves. If you want a signed copy let me know and I will go get you one..just email me

  7. I've heard that The Night Circus is amazing! Enjoy your books!

  8. The Night Circus is fantastic. Really gorgeous writing and a fascinating setting.

  9. I really want to read The Night Circus. Just love the cover of that one. Thanks for stopping by ours!


  10. Great books! I'm looking forward to these books you've got :D I just purchased Destined too.


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