Monday, December 19, 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (Dec. 19th)

It's been a while since I did this one, hasn't it? Well, for those not familiar, It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Book Journey. It gives us a chance to share what we've read in the past week, and what we're hoping to read in the coming one. Since I actually do have some goals right now, I figure why not share?

What I Read Last Week:

Tiger's Curse
by Collen Houck
My review can be read here.
I absolutely loved this book! There were a few issues with the romance near the end, but since this is the beginning of a series I cannot completely hold that as a fault against the story. I felt that Kelsey was (for the most part) a likable heroine, that Ren was a memorable hero and that Kishan really cracked me up.

I loved the detail and care that Colleen Houck took in developing her setting and letting me feel that I was actually a part of the adventure. If the above doesn't convince you to check out Tiger's Curse, how about this? I ordered the other two books before I was finished with this one. I wanted them that bad.

The Forest of Hands and Teeth
by Carrie Ryan
My review will be available on Thursday
This was a very interesting and unique read. I felt that the writing style that Carrie Ryan chose was very different -- I felt more like I was reading what could have been someone's diary rather then traditional fiction. I think this had a lot to do with the fact that description and interior monologue were much more present then dialogue between the characters.

Don't take this to mean I disliked the book, though. I'm currently working on picking books to get when I go shopping the day after Christmas -- known as Boxing Day here in Canada -- and The Dead-Tossed Waves and The Dark and Hollow Places are both on my list.

What I'm Reading Now:

by Carrie Jones
I have a whole list of books that have sequels available and I am trying to get through them. This is the one I'm reading right now, and I'm really enjoying it. I like how fresh and distinct Zara's voice is. I also think that it's interesting that this is a book about pixies that people are actually afraid of. I'm currently about 1/3 done with Need. Hopefully I will complete it today, but there are never any guarantees.

Odds are I will at least grab the next book in this series because I am really enjoying this. I am mostly getting money / gift cards for Christmas this year so I am likely buying a lot of books. Just so that no one is confused. :) 

What I Hope To Read This Week:

Right now I am on what I'm calling a "series starting" kick. I'm going on a huge shopping trip on the 26th and I am trying to complete as many book #1's on my shelf -- or at least start them so I'll know whether I like them -- as I can. This might sound somewhat absurd. Why on earth am I so worried about this? Well, I don't drive. I live in a small town. And I don't get to go to the bookstore and browse very often. Most of my shopping is done online. So my big rule about my shopping trip isn't about how many books that I buy. It's that they either have to be (1) Books I'm confident I'll love, (2) Books I've been dying to read but haven't ordered yet, or (3) Books that look interesting while I am browsing.

Here are the books I want to check out. I highly doubt I can get through all of these by the 26th, though.

The Boyfriend List
by E. Lockhart
I'm almost ashamed at how long this has been on my shelves. This was recommended to me over on Absolute Write and I ordered it after reading the sample on Amazon, which I totally loved. But I put it on my bookshelf that can be a pain to reach -- my room is small and can get kinda cramped -- so I haven't worked up the motivation to get it out and get going. Since there are three other books in this series and this doesn't look terribly long, though, I really should do my best to get to it so I can decide if I want to buy more.

Anyone know anything about this one? Any thoughts?

City of Bones
by Cassandra Clare
I can hear you back there. Yeah, you with the pity eyes or the shocked expression. "How haven't you read that yet?" Really good question, because I've had this and City of Ashes for *years*. I don't honestly know what has kept me from starting them. I always seem intrigued by the premises Cassandra Clare's storylines. I buy her books. Yet I've never actually gotten around to sitting down and getting started. Yes, I can be very, very weird at times. I admit that!

So, talk to me, people! I need to buy Clockwork Angel because I impulse-bought Clockwork Prince on sale at Walmart. Should I say to heck with it and at least grab City of Glass, too? Your opinions are welcome!

by Sophie Jordan
Here's another book with a strange history on my shelf. I really, really wanted this one when I picked it up in September. But when I sat down to read it something pulled me back. I don't know what caused this, but my gut just told me the right time to read it had not arrived yet. I think I may have read the first sentence? Anyway, I love anything with Dragons and this has a sequel, so I really should try to get to it. Plus the idea I'm kicking around between blogging, reading and Moon Dance revisions is about dragons so reading this would be good so that I know what has already been done. I wouldn't want to copy someone unknowingly.

So, anyone have any thoughts about Firelight? Loved it? Hated it? Curious about it? I'd love to know.

Hush, Hush
by Becca Fitzpatrick
I've wanted to read this for years. Seriously. I was in Florida in 2010(?) and the only reason that I didn't buy it then was that it was this or lunch, and lunch won out. I've had lots of situations like that creep up on this book. I only got it recently, actually, which is another reason I haven't devoured it yet. Between review books backing up and a TBR pile the size of a small horse getting through things can be ... interesting.

I think by now you guys know the drill: any thoughts on Hush, Hush? Should it get a spot this week, or should I wait? Opinions. I want them. Thanks! 

by Ally Condie
I've been really itching to read this one and it will likely be one of the books that gets done this week. I've had this on my wishlist since I started my blog and I actually bought it around the start of September. It's far past time that I got a chance to read it. The choice of what to read this week actually has me under a bit of pressure. As much as I am dying to read this,  I am not sure if it's the most economical use of my reading time since it currently only has one other book available for me to pick up.

What do you think? Should Matched get read this week?

by Andrea Cremer
The last book vying for my attention this week. I've never come across a werewolf series that has totally captured my heart, which kind of baffles me since my favorite book *ever* is Sherrilyn Kenyon's Night Play which is about a wolf member of the were-hunters named Vane. Will this be the book that gets me to love a shifter in YA? We shall see. But will it be this week?

I really wish i'd been able to get Nightshade with this cover. I think it might be my favorite book cover ever, and that's saying something. (I love that shade of purple.) But getting back to the topic at hand... Should this be on the "menu" this week? 

Anyway, that's it (hahaha) for me this week. I am as indecisive as ever. Thanks so much for dropping by! What are you hoping to read this week? I'd love to know.


  1. As a fellow Canadian I applaud you for going shopping on Boxing Day!! Never done it, never will.

  2. *laughs* It's definitely an ... experience. My family's been doing that since I was a kid. When my grandpa passed away grandma didn't know what to get us for Christmas so she started giving money. And then she wanted to go with us to see what we would choose.

  3. You've got some great books on your list. I enjoyed Matched and City of Bones. Sounds like I have to read Tiger's Curse. Thanks!

  4. You have some interesting titles...hope you enjoy them all.


  5. You are chosen some great series to read! Have a wonderful shopping trip.

  6. There are SO many series I need to start, many you've included above. I always feel like there are so many awesome series out there that EVERYONE has read but me ;)

  7. Wow so many books to read! I haven't read any Cassandra Clare yet either, but feel like I probably should! Enjoy your reading!


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