Saturday, February 2, 2013

Shopaholic Sunday: Stacking the Shelves (Feb. 2nd)

Shopaholic Sunday is my opportunity to share what I've bought, borrowed or received this week. I do this via Stacking the Shelves, which is hosted at Tynga's Reviews.

For Review:

by Carrie Butler
When college student Rena Collins finds herself nose-to-chest with the campus outcast, her rumor-laced notions are shattered. Handsome, considerate, and seemingly sane, Wallace Blake doesn’t look like he spends his nights alone, screaming and banging on the walls of his dorm room. Hell, he doesn’t look like he spends his nights alone, period.

Too curious for her own good, Rena vows to uncover the truth behind Wallace’s madman reputation--and how two seconds of contact had left her with bruises. Of course, there are a few setbacks along the way: guilt, admiration, feelings of the warm and fuzzy variety…

Not to mention the unwanted attention of Wallace's powerful, supernaturally-gifted family.

They’re a bloodline divided by opposing ideals, two soon-to-be warring factions that live in secret among us. When Rena ends up caught in their crossfire, Wallace has no choice but to save her by using his powers. Now they’re really in trouble. With war on the horizon and Rena’s life in the balance, he needs to put some distance between them. But Rena won’t let go. If fighting is what it takes to prove her own strength and keep Wallace in her life, then that’s what she’ll do--even if it means risking a whole lot more than her heart.

I've wanted to read this from the first moment that I heard about it, so I'm really excited to have an ARC for it on my kindle. (Plus, LOOK at that cover, people! Very, very nice! :) ) A huge thank you to Carrie Butler, Sapphire Star Publishing and Xpresso Book Tours. 

I Bought: 

1. Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler: After reading and loving Hunger, it was only a matter of time before O picked this up. I got some early birthday money and decided to go for it. I'm half way through already and I'm totally loving it. 

2. Loss by Jackie Morse Kessler: I decided to go ahead and get this one, too, since these books are shorter and the last one (guessing here) releases in April. I'm not sure if I'll read this in March or break down and read it in February, too. I do know I totally can't wait. Riders of the Apocalypse has become one of my favorite series and I'd recommend it strongly for others to check it out! 

3. Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion: This just released as a movie and since Jay and I are going to watch that I figured I should get the book and read it before he comes. The premise sounds great (Zombie love story FTW!) so I'm looking forward to it. 

4. Meant To Be by Lauren Morrill: I've wanted this book for ages and now I finally have it. Yay! This is on my February Reading List, so hopefully you'll see a review for it in the coming weeks. 

So, what did you get this week? Leave a link and I'll drop by and take a look. :) 


  1. Ooh, really really want to watch Warm Bodies before seeing the movie. It sounds so good :) Happy reading! Stopping by from the STS.

    New GFC follower :) Megan @ Megz Madd Readz

  2. I don't read a lot of zombie books because I'm such a chicken, but I think that I'd like to try Warm Bodies. I've seen the previews for the movie, and it looks great. Meant to Be is on my TBR list; I hope to get to it soon. Enjoy your books, and thanks for stopping by!

  3. Ahhh Warm Bodies! I thought the trailer was super cute..Enjoy all your books Kathy!
    Giselle @ Book Nerd Canada
    Stacking the Shelves Book Haul

  4. Rage and Loss look great! I got Warm Bodies as well, looks like a fun read :D

    Happy reading!
    My haul

  5. I've heard so many good things about Warm Bodies (the book, not the movie). I never saw the movie yet, and I can't wait to!
    I adore the cover of Meant to Be too, it is just so cute! :D

    My STS & check out my SIGNED Everbound and Boundless Giveaway if you have time! (:

  6. Love Carrie Butler. I heard Warm Bodies is fantastic too. The movie looks great.

  7. yaaay, Warm Bodies was amazing. I hope you love it.


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