Thursday, September 6, 2012

Guess What I'm Doing In November?

I'm extremely excited to announce that I will be attending the second annual Ontario Blog Squad Blogger Meet-Up. :) I wanted to go last year but my parents were in North Carolina because my dad wanted to see some car races. However, they aren't doing that this year so they are taking me to this instead. (They'll likely go shopping while I'm there--they've been incredibly supportive of both my writing and book blogging, but it's not their hobby / passion.)

I got very lucky. I saw a post about this while I was scrolling through my Google Reader this morning. I had somehow missed (*cough* editing *cough*) the post in July. I bought one of the last two tickets available. Then I realized my PayPal was attached to my mother's OLD e-mail with the password missing. (D'oh!) Fortunately, things seem to be fixed now so I shouldn't have to worry.

This event means a lot of things for I Write, I Read, I Review. It also potentially means several things for Sealer's Promise. I'm going to quickly go over some of my goals for my book blog, preparing for this event and my book. This stuff will likely get more detail as we get closer to the actual date.

How Will This Effect I Write, I Read, I Review?

1. Things are going to get more busy around here. What the heck is the point of going to a book blogger meet-up if I'm not blogging? I've been knee deep in edits for Sealer's Promise this summer but I'm down to my last round of edits and I should be able to take a breather soon. That will up the amount of time I can spend here.

2. I'll be reading more and writing / editing (fiction) less. I need to have read a few of the books I've been itching to get to this year:


Preparing For the Meet-Up:

1. I will be posting a list of the books I own that are available for trade. If you are going to the meet-up and are interested in any of these, let me know. This may take a few days. I buy a *lot* more then I actually *read* and I'll need to go through my collection. I'm coming from Napanee, so I need to pay attention to how much stuff I'm bringing with me.

2. I might want to get a separate set of author business cards done for my author blog. This is more me rambling to myself, although I suppose it's not the end of the earth since I use the same e-mail for everything except gaming.

3. I'll have to put mom on the hunt for a cute new tote to carry stuff in.

Sealer's Promise:

1. I need to get my butt in gear and get this round of edits done. It will free me up for reading and it will get it to my betas quicker.

2. It is my hope that I will be able to give a few people copies of Sealer's Promise. I don't want to *promise* this, but I will if I can. If you want a physical copy of my book and are going to be there, let me know. I'm ONLY bringing these for people who want them unless I am asked otherwise. To do anything else seems like it would be discourteous.

3. Once I get all the major stuff done on Sealer's Promise, I will be freed up to really focus on I Write, I Read, I Review. My poor neglected blog needs it. *laughs*

So, here are my questions, guys:

1. Are you going?

2. Do you want a print copy of Sealer's Promise if I'm able to get them in time?

3. Are there any books you're looking for? I mainly read YA and (adult) contemporary and paranormal romance. I can't guarantee I'll have it or want to trade it, but I can check. :)

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