Saturday, December 1, 2012

What's Going On?

Hard to believe that it's already the first of December!

I'm sure some of you wonder where I've been and what's been going on. Well, I've been conserving what I do with my hands and that has held me back a lot. But they are doing better then they were. I've also been working on the outline for a new novel, a contemporary romance this time. (Not sure yet if this'll be adult or new adult, but I know this one is not YA.) I'm really excited about it, though... small town + big music star + biggest fan (and secret songwriter) = a lot of crazy / romantic stuff going on. :D I'll see about putting a better summary together soon.

As for Sealer's Promise, I am pausing it for now because it needs another round of revision (big revision, not just clean up) and I need some space from it to get that to come out right. I'm shooting for it and the contemporary I'm writing to release next year, but as always, we'll see what happens. I only get to release a first book once and I want whichever that ends up being to be something I'm really proud of.

So, what am I planning here at I Write, I Read, I Review?

Well, I have read a few books in the past while that I haven't been able to review and I want to catch those up. Titles on this list include The Goddess Test, Hidden (House of Night), Backstage Pass, Dark Horizons, and The Game Changer. I'll also be posting some of my favorite books read in 2012, some of the books I hope to read in 2013, a (much smaller this year!) list of challenges I want to participate in, the results of the Apocalypse Tour giveaway and then all the usual stuff. :D I'm gong to do my best to juggle writing and blogging, but I know that can be a challenge for me, so if I'm not as quick to update stuff, bare with me. :)

I hope you're having a great week. Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Good luck with everything and congrats on beginning a new book.


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