Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cover Lover Month: Interview with Greta Mahoney

Today on the blog I am joined by my friend Greta from Paranormal Wastelands. She's here to share some of her thoughts about book covers as part of Cover Lover Month. It's taken me long enough to get things sorted out and get this going, so let's hop right to it. :)

1. Have you ever chosen to read a book because of its cover? How did that go?

Oh heck yeah!! Almost every broody nom nom book has been picked strictly because the beefcake is a hotsy totsy.... and I don't recommend doing that because while the outside is delicious... the inside can taste like worms. Skim skim skim!! I learned my lesson ;)

2. How big of an influence do you feel cover art is in your reading choices? Do you have any reasons for feeling this way?

It's usually a big big influence on me. I'm not afraid to say that my first impression of a book is it's cover. If the cover doesn't speak to me then I probably won't read it unless someone tells me otherwise. I was one of those kids back in school who wouldn't read a book that didn't have a dustjacket. Remember those plain books? BLAH!!

3. What are your favorite things to see on the cover of a book? Are there any types of images or overall moods / themes that will instantly compel you to click on a book or lift it off a bookstore shelf?

My favorite thing to see are super cute things. I totally love the way they draw comfy mystery novel covers. They are just too dang cute! I love all the detail that goes into one of those. That always makes me want to pick it up and start reading.

4. Are there any design choices on covers that discourage you from taking a closer look? Any particular reasons for your preference or is it just something that "is what it is"?

I probably won't read a book that has a dude covered in modern weaponry and that's because I won't see a movie like that. I judge a book by it's cover just like I judge a movie by it's poster.

5. Does it bother you when the cover does not directly relate to what is in the book? For instance, if the cover has a girl in a blue dress then there'd better be a girl in a blue dress at some point?

No, something that simple wouldn't bother me but it would bother me if there was a tiger on the book and never a tiger mentioned.

6. These are a few of my favorite things: ONE that you love that's from a book you've read, ONE that's on the front of a book you're dying to read but haven't gotten your hands on yet and ONE that doesn't have a cover that does it justice, yet you feel more people need to read it. (You are free to cheat and list more if you must, just don't go too crazy.)

Laura Weiss's books do not have the pretties of covers. They're pretty simple. I have a feeling that people probably snub them because of that.

6. What drew you to the book with the less thrilling cover? If you could describe a new cover for this book, what would it be? 

I read her book Leftovers (which had a very unflattering cover) by Laura Weiss because my friend Leila sent it to me. I didn't think I was going to like it because it looked so lame. Boy was I wrong! If I was to make a new cover for it, it would be a best friends necklace. YOu know.. the kind that is split apart in the middle. And behind one side I would have a good part of town. And on the other I would have the bad part of town.

Thanks so much for joining me today, Greta! It is so often said that covers play a huge role in the books that we read and hearing your insights on the topic is very interesting. :)

Cover Lover Question of the Day: 

Have you ever been compelled to buy a book based on it's cover? Did it end up being a book you love?

Keep checking back for more interviews, guestposts and giveaways in the coming weeks. Thanks for dropping by! 

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