Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Waiting On Wednesday (August 1st)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Breaking the Spine. We all get together to show each other books we can't wait to get our hands on.

This week's can't-wait-to-read-it selection is:

Throne of Glass
by Sarah J. Maas
After serving out a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes, 18-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien is dragged before the Crown Prince. Prince Dorian offers her her freedom on one condition: she must act as his champion in a competition to find a new royal assassin.

Her opponents are men—thieves and assassins and warriors from across the empire, each sponsored by a member of the kings council. If she beats her opponents in a series of eliminations, she’ll serve the kingdom for three years and then be granted her freedom.

Celaena finds her training sessions with the captain of the guard, Westfall, challenging and exhilirating. But she’s bored stiff by court life. Things get a little more interesting when the prince starts to show interest in her... but it’s the gruff Captain Westfall who seems to understand her best.

Then one of the other contestants turns up dead... quickly followed by another. Can Celaena figure out who the killer is before she becomes a victim? As the young assassin investigates, her search leads her to discover a greater destiny than she could possibly have imagined.

Where do I even start? 

1. Female assassin for the win. :D

2. Who the hell is this Prince and just what kind of interest does he take in our leading lady? 

3. What kind of kingdom needs a "royal assassin"?

4. Why did Celaena become an assassin? That's not exactly an easy career choice. Who did she kill?

5. Who is behind the assassinations of the would-be future "royal assassin"? And just what kind of great destiny is Celaena meant for? 

I'm definitely intrigued and I can't wait to check this one out.

So, what are you looking forward to this week? Leave a link and I'll drop by and check it out. :)


  1. Great pick, i recently reviewed this and it's on my top five list for 2012 so far! My WoW

  2. Throne of Glass is one of my most anticipated reads for the year. :) LOVE fantasy. And a female assassin? Can't go wrong with that, right?! Great pick!

    My WoW

  3. This book was amazing! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    My WoW,

  4. I loved this one, by far one of the best reads of 2012 so far! I really hope it doesn't let you down!

    My WOW

  5. I'm actually on a tour for this book and cannot wait to start it, soon. I've been reading the novella's and find them to be so awesome! I hope you enjoy the adventures of Celaena, and you should totally read those novella's(prequels) they are really good!

    My Wow

  6. So excited for this one! Was just putting in my pre-order a few hours ago!
    My WOW

  7. Great pick! I've been hearing so many great things about this. I absolutely love the cover as well. :) I can't wait to read it!

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. I have a copy from Netgalley and I can't wait :D Great pick!

  9. A great pick, saw this around a lot.

  10. I'm waiting for this one as well! Every single review I've read has been insanely postive, and that's just made me even more excited for it!

    My WoW

  11. Great choice, I'm so excited to read this one!

    My WoW Post

  12. I read this recently and thought it was quite good! I hope you enjoy it :)

    Books of Amber

  13. This one has been on my to-read list for quite some time and I can't wait for it to come out. Great pick!
    My WOW

  14. I haven't been lucky enough to read this one- but I have heard such great things about it. I can't wait to get my hands on it. :)


  15. I've been wanting to read this so much!! It looks way to good I love the whole assassin concept and love that it looks like the main character is super Badass xD awesome pick

    P.S I'm a new follower, hope you can stop by my blog:



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