Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Top 10 Books I Missed While Not Blogging

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where people make lists about their opinions on various bookish topics.

This Week's Topic:
Top 10 Books I Missed While Not Blogging

Reader burnout: it exists, it's nasty and draining, and it hit me for nearly two years. With such a large lapse in doing much actual reading, it comes as little surprise that there is a lot on my TBR, since I tend to like series and they don't stop just because I'm not reading. Here are ten books I haven't read yet that I really need to get to.

 10. If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo -- This looks like a very interesting read on a very important topic. When I found out about it, there was no way it couldn't end up on my TBR.

09. And I Darken by Kiersten White -- Anyone who knows a little about vampire history knows that Count Dracula was based on Vlad the Impaler. Vlad the Impaler was a vey scary guy. The idea of a female Vlad as a YA lead fascinates me.

08. Run by Kody Keplinger -- I loved The DUFF, Shut Out and A Midsummer's Nightmare, so I am looking forward to reading the books Kody has written while I was taking my break. As someone who grew up fairly sheltered because of disabilities--one of those being that I am legally blind--this had to be here.

07. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard -- A fantastic premise paired with the fact that I got this on sale via Audible for $4 gave it a bump up on my TBR.

06. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell -- I've wanted to read this from the moment I heard about it. I even bought a hardcover copy, but I've started to find that print books take visual effort. So I'll need to grab this for my e-reader instead.

05. The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkosski -- Fantastic premise. An idea this out there can make me nervous about how it will be executed, but I still need to check this out either way.

04. Something In The Air by Marie Landry -- I'm saving this for one of those times when i'm stuck. I've loved all of Marie's other books so I can't see this being any different.

03. Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas -- I'm planning to do full read throughs of both the Throne of Glass and Court of Thorns and Roses series this year. Figured putting one book was more fair than having repeat entries from one author.

02. Wild Cards by Simone Elkeles -- i adored the Perfect Chemistry trilogy and this has been on my TBR way too long. I cannot wait to sit down and get lost in one of Simone's books again.

1. Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi -- Let's just say I've heard some...things...and they lead me to believe that the Shatter Me series is the most important thing on my TBR this year. I won't say any more than that. Just that I am very, very excited.

So, what did you pick as your freebie topic this week? Have you read any of the books I listed? Did you like them? What books are you eager to read this year? Feel fee to leave a comment and let me know.


  1. If I Was Your Girl, Fangirl and The Winner's Curse are all fabulous books. I hope you have a chance to read and enjoy them! Happy reading!

  2. I love the Shatter Me series. I think it's incredible. I hope you like it and the rest of these books. :-)

  3. Shatter me series was soooo good! I loved the books! I hope you enjoy them!
    My TTT,

  4. Ohhh it's so hard to be up to date on all the books even if one reads constnatly...so I understand your pain! And Fangirl, The Winner's Curse series, and the Shatter me books and And I Darken ARE ALL INTENSELY BRILLIANT!! And I Darken is just = AFDJSAKLD AMAZING. A badass female Vlad is just what we needed in our lives. :D
    Here's my TTT!

  5. Fangirl I can definitely say is really good, hope you like it!

  6. I love your topic! I took a huge step back from blogging and reading after my oldest son was born years ago. So, I understand missing out on all the books. I feel like I have so much catching up to do! I really loved And I Darken, The Winner's Trilogy, and Fangirl! I hope you get to read a;; of these soon.

  7. Oh, what a list. I have a ton of these on my TBR and I'm glad you were able to come by them. If I Was Your Girl is a book I just got from my library and I'm dying to get to reading it :) I loved Red Queen and I hope you do, too. This topic is great though because I feel like even with blogging I miss so many different books. It's hard to keep up sometimes.

    My TTT

  8. I haven't gotten a chance to read many of these yet, but I did read Fangirl and I absolutely LOVED it. Hope you get a chance to read it soon!

  9. I really love The Winner's Trilogy, so I'd recommend you pick that up first. I'm also a big fan of And I Darken. That book was really good, Lada, the protagonist is one of a kind. Happy reading!

  10. Hope you enjoy Crown of Midnight!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/01/24/top-ten-tuesday-93/


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