Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cover Lover Month: Want to Get Involved?

As some of you might know, I am in the process of having the cover designed for my debut novel, Sealer's Promise. In the journey I've chosen to take, that of publishing my first novel, being at a point where I will (soon!) have my cover is a really big deal. So I sat down and started thinking about what the best way to share that with everyone here would be.

I'm going to having a cover (and book trailer) reveal next month. I'm thrilled about that. But that's all very "Me! Me! Me!". There wouldn't be a me standing here without the support that I have received from many of *you*. And then, last week the most awesome brainwave hit me. Today I'm going to share it with you.

This October, it is my pleasure to invite you all to participate in Cover Lover Month.

What is it?: 

Cover Lover Month is going to run from October 1st - 31st and is going to celebrate everything covers. What we love, what we loathe, how they are made and everything in between. I have been in contact with several of the friends I have made in the last year and thanks to their generous support I have some fabulous interviews, guest posts and giveaways planned. My goal is to make this a month full of bloggers, authors and artists sharing the beauty of book covers.

I need your help: 

I am looking for people to interview as guests on my blog, people willing to tweet about the event, and people willing to put the event button (below) on their sidebar. Anyone who would be willing to blog letting people know about this would also be a tremendous help.

I will also be looking for people interested in taking part in the reveal for the Sealer's Promise cover and trailer.

Interview Info & Questions: 

If you love books, odds are high you have some opinions on covers. I want to know what those are and I would love for you to be a guest here on I Write, I Read, I Review next month. Interested? Copy the following questions, answer them and e-mail them to me at isis_willowsong (at) hotmail (dot) com.


1. Have you ever chosen to read a book because of its cover? How did that go?

2. How big of an influence do you feel cover art is in your reading choices? Do you have any reasons for feeling this way?

3. What are your favorite things to see on the cover of a book? Are there any types of images or overall moods / themes that will instantly compel you to click on a book or lift it off a bookstore shelf?

4. Are there any design choices on covers that discourage you from taking a closer look? Any particular reasons for your preference or is it just something that "is what it is"?

5. Does it bother you when the cover does not directly relate to what is in the book? For instance, if the cover has a girl in a blue dress then there'd better be a girl in a blue dress at some point?

6. These are a few of my favorite things: ONE that you love that's from a book you've read, ONE that's on the front of a book you're dying to read but haven't gotten your hands on yet and ONE that doesn't have a cover that does it justice, yet you feel more people need to read it. (You are free to cheat and list more if you must, just don't go too crazy.)

-- What do you love about these covers?

-- Did the cover for the book you've read fit the book?

-- Is there something about the cover for the upcoming book that has caused it to be something you're dying to read?

-- What drew you to the book with the less thrilling cover? If you could describe a new cover for this book, what would it be?

Grab The Button!

I Write, I Read, I Review

I will be posting with more details on the event, a call for help in revealing the cover for Sealer's Promise and much more in the days to come. Thanks for dropping by and taking a look! :)


Thanks for visiting my blog. I love comments! Please feel free to tell me what you think about my blog and the things I am posting. I enjoy hearing what others think. :)

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