Friday, October 21, 2011

Wonderfully Wicked Read-A-Thon: Day #1 (Friday)

So I completely forgot I signed up for this. Yeah, that was smooth! :p But here I am. It's Friday morning and I am doing my opening post, so I suppose there is no harm done. :)

Why Did I Decide To Take Part?

I've never done a read-a-thon before, so I figured I might as well give it a go. I Write, I Read, I Review is a book blog. And while I don't know if I'm going to do a full blown NaNoWriMo next month or not, this will make a good mental equivalent to doing some stretches before a long run if I do decide to. Besides, with prizes, challenges, other people being involved, etc. this should be really fun. Plus I have some absolutely fabulous books that I hope to read. :)

Hey Kat, What Are You Reading? 

Yes, Mortal Obligation still has priority one. Fortunately, I am about 70% done, so this should be cake. I do need to pause and finalize the questions that I want to ask Nichole Chase and that will eat a bit of my reading time, but I've been thinking about them and jotting them down as I go along, so it shouldn't take too much up. :) This is really important, so I need to make sure it gets done and that I do a good job with the questions.

After that, I will likely move on to Dearly Departed by Lia Habel. Everybody who visits I Write, I Read, I Review surely knows how bad I have wanted to read this and I am really excited to sit down with it and see what I think of it. As it stands I think this book has a fabulous set of ideas and I am extremely curious to see how they will all come together. I am a fan of zombie love stories (Hello, Generation Dead!) so this one should be a lot of fun.

Didn't think it could get any better? I didn't forget that I signed up for this when I went shopping on Chapters. Odds are I ordered this in right after I did that. :) So yes, I am sitting here with a copy of Julie Kagawa's The Iron Daughter. Yes, it's been here for over a week. And yes, I have somehow managed not to devour it. But you can bet I'll be sinking my teeth into it sometime between now and Sunday. :D

And if I end up totally devouring The Iron Daughter, I have The Iron Queen waiting right in the wings so that I can keep going. I would really like to finish these two books, but I might deliberately take a pause between them since I will have to wait a day or two for Amazon to send me The Iron Knight and from what I have heard I will want to read it and The Iron Queen back-to-back.

And just in case I decide that I want to change gears a little, I also have Remembrance by Michelle Madow sitting on my Kindle and waiting not so patiently for me to get to it. :) I've been looking forward to reading this one and it is actually one of the books that made me decide to get a Kindle, so I have high hopes that it will be good. I've heard lots of great things from friends and the plot summary looks great. (Oh, and the cover looks beautiful, but I try not to judge a book on that.) We shall see, but I have a good feeling about Remembrance.

Anyway, that's it for me. At least for right now. If I do need any more books for some totally insane reason, I do have some other awesome reads sitting here and waiting to be dove into. But I would rather not list a ton of books so that I don't get discouraged if I come nowhere close to reading them all.

Anyway, thanks so much for dropping by my opening post. I will be adding updates here throughout the day about my progress, random thoughts on what I'm reading, etc. I should also be active on Twitter. (For anyone who didn't know, the Wonderfully Wicked hashtag is #WWReadathon). I hope that you enjoy what you are reading as much as I hope to enjoy the books that are in store for me!

Day One Updates:

My Entry for the "Creep Me Out" Challenge: "The Mirror's Eyes"

Imagine moving to an old creaky house decorated in antique furniture. In the room where you are going to sleep there is a fancy old dresser with carvings around it that make the top place around the mirror look like it has eyes, a nose and feathered detailing. As you lay in bed that first night, you hear a low humming sound. Glancing around to see what is causing it, you notice an eerie red light coming from where the "eyes" in the mirror frame are.

The next day you go downstairs and talk to your family. No one believes what you are saying. They laugh it off, telling you that you must have ate something weird before bed. You reason with yourself that it had to be a trick of the light and decide to go to sleep again the next night. Yet once again, that low humming sound wakes you. But this time, you are not alone. A specter wearing a mask that looks like the carvings in the mirror frame hovers in the air beside your bed.

With no further warning it grabs you and places the mask on your face. As you look in the mirror behind you, you see that it is now you who has the glowing red eyes. And you see that the specter has taken on your appearance. You feel a sudden pull and your body is pulled toward the mirror. You scream for help. At first, no one listens. Then, someone down the hall tells you to shut up; they're trying to sleep. As you feel your body beginning to slip through the glass as if it is water you cry out in one last desperate plea for aid, but it is too late. You find yourself fully through the glass and you are now looking out through the eyes of the mirror.

As you watch, the door to your room opens and one of your parents walks in. They turn to the specter, which now looks like you, and ask what all of the screaming is for. The specter turns to your parent and smiles reassuringly. "Sorry. Guess I had a bad dream." Your parent leaves and the specter snuggles down beneath the covers of your bed. "Ah! This is the life." It says. And it is the life. Your life. And now it's gone. Neither living nor dead, you are destined to remain trapped inside of the ancient mirror until another unsuspecting victim buys the old rickety house ... And the cycle of terror begins anew... through you.

(Note: I have a very creepy looking mirror in my room that I've had since I was a child. When I was little I would literally get a towel from the bathroom to cover over the mirror and the detailing around it at night because I was afraid there was some kind of monster or evil spirit in there. By this point I'm pretty use to it, but if I look at the thing the wrong way, it can still make me jump every now and then. Strangely enough, I think that's why I keep it.)

What would you do if they were watching you?


My title sentences for the Title Sentence Challenge:

"Once a witch Saw The Iron Queen Captivate Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Beneath a Mountain Moon."

Once a Witch by Carolyn McCullough
Saw by Steve Katz
The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa
Captivate by Carrie Jones
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
Beneath a Mountain Moon by Silver Ravenwolf

Or Perhaps...

"Dracula, in love, Prized The Near Witch With A Need So Beautiful; A Hunger Like No Other."

Dracula In Love by Karen Essex
Prized by Caragh M. O'Brien
The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
With by Donald Harington
A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole


So, it's finally bed time. What did I complete today?

I finished reading Mortal Obligation by Nichole Chase. While I would love to tell you all what I thought of it, you'll have to bare with me. I'm not suppose to give a review until the tour next month. I will say this, though: I finished it. I don't finish books that I despise and odds are I wouldn't be cruel enough to bring an author here if I hated their book. That's just not me.

I started Remembrance by Michelle Madow and I am roughly 15% of the way through it, according to my Kindle. In comparison to Mortal Obligation, Remembrance is light and fluffy and is more of a "fun" read. (The world is not in jeopardy of being taken over by dark Gods from another world, etc...) It's still too early to give any real impressions yet, but I am having a good time with it.


Haven't signed up for the Wonderfully Wicked Read-A-Thon? Don't despair! Sign-ups are still open over at My Shelf Confessions. :)


  1. Wow, you are on point! I haven't made my list for the read-a-thon, I really must! Dearly Departed looks so good!

  2. Great story! I love it. Very imaginative and creepy.

  3. This TOTALLY Creeped me out! Like WOW. I could have nightmares from this, and I rarely do!! You should write this as a story - it'd make a great one!

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  4. So happy to see Remembrance on your list! And after the Iron Fey, which is a series I absolutely LOVE!!

    Enjoy, and thank you for participating in the Remembrance blog tour :)

  5. That was a very creepy little story. I probably should not have read it right before bed! :)


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